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It was late afternoon as we headed out the doors of the lavish hotel we were somehow staying in. “Original occupants paid for the room, didn’t like it, didn’t bother to check out and rented another one. They left the keycards in the room.” She said, and I had no idea people would really be that wasteful with money. 

While I was still mulling over how she arranged getting our room, I felt her let go of my hand and I turned and saw as her mouth fell open in the most beautiful o shape as her eyes went wide and she started to do a slow turn on the sidewalk. Looking at the neon signs, the shimmering shining lights, water fountains, palm trees and more people than could be counted milling around. I felt something from her, and the only word I could think of was enchanted. She was enchanted by everything here that wasn’t powered by magic

“More” She said, wonder in her voice as she reached and took my hand in hers, looking up at me expectantly. 

“As my lady wishes.” I started walking, with her at my side. She was fascinated by everything. By the number of people, by buskers looking for cash, by the people handing out flyers for churches, and shows. The bustling lights and signs of the city were something she had never experienced. I had never been anywhere like this, but seeing it all with her made it all seem even more special.

We came to an open square. Fountains sending arching streams of water in intricate patterns while hidden lights made the tall towers of water glow in every color of the rainbow. It was crowded as people walked through, stopped to take pictures, watch the water show. Ash was stood, an open mouth smile lighting up her whole face as she looked around at the madness of stimuli in front of her. 

I moved a step behind her, got down on one knee. The gesture enough to cause people in eye sight to stop. To see the show they were going to get for free. I fished the ring box from my pocket. My great grandmother’s ring. The only real tie I had left to my past, to my family. With a soft click the box opened, and Ash realised something was happening and turned around to see me. Hand out stretched, presenting a ring in a black velvet box. “Rhys” she questioned looking at me.

“Evermindrea Ash Basalt, please do me the honor of becoming my wife. Become Mrs. Stone and make me the happiest man on Earth.” Ash looked at me, shock evident in every way on her wonderful face. She looked around at the gathered crowd, before nodding her head wildly, throwing herself down into my arms,  smashing her lips into mine in a possessive kiss. Almost making me drop the ring box, while the gathered crowd roared their applause and support. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” She said, extending her right hand out, I mentally told her loudly other one, and she switched hands with a blush. I slipped the ring onto her finger, and even thought the ring had been made for my great grandmother, it fit her finger perfectly. Like it was always meant to end up with her. 

Ash’s hair fluttered as if from an unseen breeze, and suddenly it was like our bond grew deeper. Instead of hazy hints at her emotions. I could feel moods from her more clearly. Not as sharp as I knew it had been. But there she was, brighter and bigger in my mind. I didn’t care why. 

“There is a chapel right there.” I gestured to the small hidden little chapel along the bright strip we were in. “We can get married right now.” I said and she nodded. We ran hand in hand to the quickie wedding chapel. We were married by Elvis and all I could feel from Ash was joy and love. 

Her smile was wide, her eyes were sparkling. The glittering fantasy of Vegas was everything we had needed. We signed our names on the registry, before sealing it all in an envelope to mail to the government to make it truly legal and official. Once the paperwork was in the mail, with the address set to Laurel’s home for convenience, I told Ash we were legally married now with the dull gong as the metal mail flap swung closed.. 

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