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Ash and I spent the next several days tangled under the sheets together. Though once Ash saw a hot tub in my mind, she conjured one immediately wanting to experience one herself. She greatly enjoyed the massaging jets on her back while I slowly and gently fucked her under the churning water. Feeling her love through me, knowing how deep it ran thanks to our completed bond was everything. I had been an empty shell waiting and dancing alongside death, hoping it would take me. Now I was alive again.

"You saved me too, you know." Ash said, interrupting my latest daydream about how amazing my life had become. We were several days into our all naked all the time mating moon, with Ash tender and sore between her legs and my muscles all feeling more well used than they had in a long time, we sank back into the bed, limbs entwined, while we tried to figure out what to do next.

"Frezia is adamant that we need to go to the last of the dragons. That we can save them." Ash said, unease flowing through the bond. "I'm not a princess. I can't lead people. I still don't trust my magic, when I'm scared it goes wild." her eyes glazed, talking to Frezia. "Frezia says my magic will be controlled from now on, thanks to her." she paused, fear and worry coloring the bond, spiking my anxiety as I worried over what could make her worry. "Sorry!" Ash exclaimed, snuggling closer to me in bed. "Frezia said my magic was weird to other magic users because I can channel Chaos." She said it like she was expecting me to react badly to this news.

All I did was raise an eyebrow. Letting her quest in my head to see that I had drawn a blank at her words. "Fae and witches all use elemental magic, some can use all; fire, earth, air, water, spirit or light depending on who you ask, some are only able to access one or a few. Chaos magic is old magic. It was thought to have ended when the worlds settled and the Gods were done building the universe, settling back." She was nibbling on her lower lip again. If I wasn't completely spent, I knew my cock would be trying to stir for another round.

"You underestimate just how little I know about Fae and magic Ash." I said, out loud, having a normal conversation with her instead of our hybrid talking and mind reading communication.

"It means my father did get his wish, with Frezia's memories and my magic joined together, I can fix things, undo the mistakes of the past to make a brighter future..." she trailed off, I didn't need to read her mind to know she was trying to hide something from me.

"I feel like there is something you're trying to leave out," I prodded, trying to get her to tell me what had her so on edge.

"Frezia says I'm strong enough, just only just. There is a chance that if I do this, that I will burn my magic out." She was fearful, the risk of losing her magic was a really high price for her to pay to save people who hadn't ever cared about her before.

"We could go join a wolf pack, there are nice packs I know that would accept just to have a dragon as part of the pack for bragging rights." That didn't appeal to her. I fumbled my thoughts. We could go anywhere. I have money, not a lot. But enough. Or I did before I lost the bike with my entire life in the saddle bags.

"Wait." She put a finger on my forehead, and I felt the memory tingle through the back of my mind again. While I watched what she was doing, focused on it and felt it. I hadn't seen a lot of witches, but those I had seen were like fireflies next to a forest fire. The smell of the magic was different. The magic I knew I was there, stronger, and something else too. Something terrifyingly large when I started to think too hard, panic starting to build. My chest was tightening as I suddenly felt lost in a void too large to ever come back from. The bonds with Ash and Rin there, but so quiet I could barely sense them. I was nothing compared to everything else. There was just too much empty space, too many far away glowing lights..

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