alone 💔(shane)

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Hey so this is very sad, ive had depression forever and today was one of my worst days which is why I wrote this. I needed something to give me a reason to finish the day...Im super sorry 💚💚

I've had depression my entire life, I was treated real bad as a kid and as an adult I've kinda just slid by so no one really pays attention to me. I didnt even know i had a grandpa who had a farm until he died and I saw him that day. He spoke to me as if he'd known and loved me my entire life. Its been years since he died, he gave me a letter to open when I needed and until today I completely forgot about it. I was at work, one of my coworkers had just passed away that day from overworking and I was...well I was planning my end. The day before I sold all my stuff and gave everything I couldnt sell away, I had one outfit left and I was currently wearing it. My car was sold 3 days prior and I only had a day or two left on my lease. My family stopped talking to me years ago and I have no actual friends so I didnt have to worry about goodbyes. As soon as I got off work I'd be done...with everything. I had 1 thing I still haven't dealt with though, I found grandpas letter as I was cleaning everything out and brought it to work with me. I opened my drawer and decided to read it since I only had 30 minutes of work left. And that's when I decided to move to stardew valley and have lived here for 6 years now.

Robin:oh hey! How's work on the farm, ren?

I smiled at my best friends mom as she patted my back.

Ren:great, maru has helped me do an automated system so I can take it a bit easier! Oh and of course the beautiful house you built me is the nicest place I've ever lived

She blushed at the compliment. I went up stairs to see maru who had something to show me. We went downstairs to see the robot she was working on for years.

Maru:ren...I wanted to...
Demetrius:ah ha! Oh...whoa

Demetrius thought maru and I were fooling around and I apologized and explained I was gay. I saw marus facial expression change, she seemed really upset but Demetrius seemed relived. I went home that night and looked at what I've built. My depression has gotten worse lately, I mean at first when I moved here I had so much to do and I never had time to focus on my mental health but lately I haven't been ablento stop focusing on it. I decided to head to cindersnap and get my mind off...everything.


Shane and I really only know eachother because of the saloon, I buy him 2 beers every week and he tells me about ranching.

Ren:hey Shane, what are you doing?
Shane:....drinking...thinking...wanna join?

He handed me a beer which I chugged to ignore the thoughts. Shane starts to speak, telling me a little about his depression and I tell him about mine. What feels like a minute but in reality is 3 hrs pass us. Shane heads home and wishes me a goodnight and I pass out. In the morning I hear Sébastien at my door. so maru told me what happened yesterday
Ren:oh yeah
Seb:...look I...ok I'm gonna be honest maru and I both have a crush in you but you told her and Demetrius that you liked guys so im shooting my shot.

I didnt think seb was unattractive, but I also haven't really thought about being with anyone in a really long time.

Ren:id love to, but I gotta warn you...I haven't really dated since like highschool.
Seb:haha no worries me neither. So, tonight the mountain lake?
Ren:sounds good.

I did my chores and got everything ready for summer which was just a week away. It was 8pm so I headed up there to find maru looking through her telescope. I waved at her as I continued down to find seb had set up a late night picnic and movie on the cliff side.

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