almost gone 💔 ( leah)

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It was the dead of winter and I decided to go to the mines. I texted Leah that I wouldn't be home till late and she told me to be safe. I didn't even tell her I loved her, my own wife. I just said ok....

Harvey:yn? Yn?! Oh good ok, are you alright?
Yn:huh? Wh..where am I? got hurt pretty bad, marlin found you deep in mines being attacked. Yourr very lucky.

I went to call her but there was no answer. I ran out, my energy drained but the thought of hugging her and apologizing to her was all I needed. I was barley bandaged, Harvey didn't get to finish since I ran out. I got to the farm and saw my kids playing with the animals. I smiled softly at them and went inside to see Leah and her ex Kel.

Leah:well...I'll admit I've been missing you alot lately.
Kel:so come back with me. I can't. I have a family with yn. YN?!

I was heart broken. She looked more upset that I found them rather than that I was badly hurt. I passed out again. My decline health finally hitting me once again. In that time Leah called Harvey and he had set everything up in my house.

Yn:t..thanks Harvey
Harvey:anytime. Um...I know what happened, kel refuses to leave.
Yn:...tell Leah to go home, please.

We've been married for a few years now, I didn't think I was neglecting her so much that her crazy ex would become an option but...I guess I was. It doesn't make sense any other way. Leah didn't even say goodbye. The kids stayed in my room refusing to see Leah at all, once I started feeling better the next day I went to see the wizard.

Raz:so...what is it you need?
Yn:i..I dont know. I guess I just wanna forget?
Raz:in the witches can pay for that to be done.

I filed for divorce and I saw Leah living in her old cabin again. Kel was a frequent visitor according to the town gossip, marnie.

Shane:hey how you holding up?
Yn:still healing for the most part, what bring you to my humble farm?

I said jokingly to my oldest friend. are the kids and stuff?
Yn:...they don't seem to care either way honestly. Blue said Leah has had kel over almost every day since red was born.
Shane:you know I still think its stupid you named your kids colors.
Yn:yeah well....dont tell them but I couldnt come up with better ones. Plus it matches them.

He laughed at my stupidity and patted my back, the kids and Shane and I walked to the animals and fed and petted all of them. The season changed and it was suddenly spring again. I went to cindersnap and my kids and jas and vincent and leo all played together while Shane and linus and I watched.

Linus:they are good kids. All of them.
Yn:yeah...leo seems to be happier lately
Linus:oh yeah willy agreed to let me come along on the ferry for free with leo so now he gets to show me what he's learned of the island. Its been fun.

As we turned to look at the kids they all were starring off in the distance, Leah and kel were having a picnic not far from us. Shane grabbed my hand and nodded at me reassuring me that it would be ok, I nodded thanking him and called the kids over. As the seasons changed again we all went to the beach where I saw Elliot and greeted him with a tight hug.

Elliot:hey how have you been?
Yn:good. You?
Elliot: im ok, a little tired
Yn:oh why? Writing all night again?
Elliot:oh I wish, Leah crashed into my cabin last night crying drunkenly about how kel cheated on her and all that. It was like the 5th time they've done it to her so I was kinda tired honestly.

I nodded understanding his pain of having to deal with a friend who wouldn't listen, but I was also trying to not be upset. While it was funny to me that kel kept cheating and breaking leahs heart as she had done with me, it also hurt...I truly loved Leah. She meant the world to me. We have two very strange but loveable children together, so it hurt to know she too was miserable.

Elliot:oh yoba I'm sorry, I didn't think about
Yn:no no its fine, you were venting and you needed to let it out. Don't apologize for the relationship situation.
Elliot:how have you been by the way? know sometimes I think about what if I could restart her and Is relationship. What if we could erase everything and it all over?
Elliot:if only if only.

I thought about again the conversation with the wizard. I could if I wanted to. Earse all the memories. I have money....I have the want....but would it be fair? And what about my kids....would people just assume they've always been with me? I didn't have the heart to erase Leah from my kids minds too, no matter how much they didnt seem to care she was gone it felt wrong.'ve been just staring off, you're starting to look like your kids a bit haha
Yn:i mean....they are my kids id hope I looked like them.
Shane:you know what I mean
Yn:yeah they are a weird set. But yoba I love em.
Shane:so...whats up?
Yn:....nothing. honestly I just, im glad I have people who care about me.

The season changed like a snap again and it was winter again. I was in the mines, Shane was at my place watching my kids. I was being attacked and suddenly started thinking about Leah. How much I missed her and how I wish I could tell her I loved her. I got home safely but she didn't leave my mind. I hugged my kids and they slept with me in my bed while Shane stayed the night sleeping on my couch. There was a knock in the middle of the night and I went to answer it. so sorry. I miss you so much, please forgive me and let's try again.

I turned to the side to see my kids start waking up hearing their moms voice crying and Shane getting up as well at the noise she was accidently making. I saw the bouquet I had bought that afternoon for Shane sitting hidden away for the right time then back at Leah.

Leah:yn I'm so so sorry I was...I didnt think you loved me at all. I...
Yn:i need to do something.

Suddenly I was at the mountains with raz, he looked at me curiously.

Raz:do you know what just happened? Why am I up here? Oh no Shane and the kids.
Raz:can I ask something before you go back home?
Yn:oh sure you know who Leah is?
Yn:Leah? Oh did they just move in how exciting!

He vanished and I shurgged as I went back home. Shane was watching TV while the kids cuddled him.

Shane:oh hey, you ok? You left in a hurry.
Yn:yeah funny thing, can't remeber why...I think I had to give something to the wizard cause I was with him.
Shane:oh he mightve given you a memory potion so you can't remember. That happened with me once, ended up in the mountains.

I nodded and looked at my kids, asleep on Shane and decided to grab the bouquet finally.

Shane:whats up?
Yn:here you go.
Shane:I was wondering who would end up asking first

Then a knock at the door, it was the girl raz told me about earlier.

Leah:im so sorry, I was foraging and I guess I got lost...could you tell me how to get back to cindersnap?
Shane:oh hey Leah, yeah this way. I'll see you tomorrow yn.

He kissed me on the cheek making me blush as he walked Leah back to her home which was fairly close to shanes. Still weird how I never noticed it or her.

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