a cold night (sam 🛏)

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The first snow fell today, its officially winter. This is the easiest season for me, i usually just live off what I've frozen or the money I saved back to live off of for the rest of the season. I went to check on my animals and headed to town to see everyone enjoying a fun snow day.

"Hey farmer"

Sam crawled out of his window trying to be smooth and successful making me laugh when he fell on his face in the snow.

"Hey, why didnt you just use the door?"

He laughed and I helped him up. We walked to the square where his mom and dad were cuddling on a bench while Vincent and jas were playing. The whole town seemed to come out just to enjoy the first snow.

"Ya know, I dont think this town has been this close in years."

He smiled as he turned toward me.

"Yeah I think out of all the years I've lived here this town really only gets together like this for special events."

Mayor Lewis came from behind us and told us how important the events he holds are. We both rolled our eyes in annoyance and walked away as he went on about himself.

"So whats your plan for the season?"

He asked in a softer tone then usual.

"Uh I guess nothing. I get to relax for the winter so I think I'll do just that."

I smiled at him but it didn't seem like the answer he wanted.

"Do you remeber like...3 months ago when we were talking about our crushes?"

He seemed even quiter now than before.

"Yeah, you said Penny. Sorry it turned out she was into maru by the way."

He chuckeled and let out a cold breathe.

"Ugh wanna go get something warm to drink?"

I nodded and we headed inside and got some hot chocolate. (Or tea or whatever you prefer) we sat at the booth in the corner near the huge bear statue. Shane was standing there flirting with Leah, they were talking about the forest. They made an unusually cute couple.

"You know staring at them will make them join us."

"Oh yeah no. They get all...cute when they talk to us for some reason"

We both laughed at the multiple times the couple would start to go off about how much fun they had. Its was a little gross. Cute but gross.

"So, this winter i uh...I had a favor i wanted to ask of you"

"Anything for you sam. As long as its in reason"

"Can I move in with you? My mom and dad were complaining about their room being too small and...I dont have money to just get up and leave and there's really no where in town I could go if I did so..."

I cut him off telling him I'd happily have him move in with me, we've been best friends since I moved here. I've been in love with him since a few years ago so if this goes well maybe I can tell him how I feel too. We headed to his place where his dad helped me and him move everything before the snow got too high. His mom cried the whole time and hugged us both alot. She promised to being lots of food before too long so we had enough for 2. And she did. A few hours later my fridge was stocked with left overs and meals.


"Don't worry I've got an extra bed coming, Robin and seb will be here in a minute."

A few seconds later seb knocked on the door and hugged me and whispered thank you to me for taking his best friend in. I smiled into the hug and squeezed him as a response. Sam smiled at us and when the hug ended he hugged his buddy and I went to talk to Robin.

"Thanks again. So his room will be up here."

"This is so sweet of you to share your big house like this."

"Id take seb off your hands if he's cool with it."

I joked at her but she took it all to seriously. Soon enough we were moving sebs stuff in too. He too the entire upstairs rooms and him and Sam shared the bathroom over there while I took the bottom floor room and my bathroom. This wasn't what I was expecting but I think it'll be a fun time. As long as no one else moves in too.

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