gridball game (shane ☁️)

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*6am a knock at your door, your still in your pjs and groggy. This is from shanes pov*

Ok ok just knock. *knocks* oh yoba they just woke up fuck im such a dick.  

"Huh oh morning chicken man. What's up?"

"Ah hey chicken...I uh im sorry to wake you up so early I just..."

"here come in, ill make coffee."

They brought me in and handed me the special mug they bought for when I come over. They sat down beside me in their bunny pjs and smiled.

"So whats up chicken man?"

"I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me...youre truly the best thing in my life and I'm so grateful for you. And I got you this."

"Gridball tickets?"

"Y..ya do you wanna go with me today at 4?"

They looked confused but I couldn't tell if that was just because they were tired. Then they looked up and smiled at me, they said yes and hugged me goodbye. Now I just have to calm down before 4 and I have the entire day to panic.

*time is 3:45 Shane is waiting for you at the bus stop hes pacing around while Pam tries to calm him down*

"But Pam what if they don't show?"

"Kid is this a date?"

"Well...I guess technically no. But I was kinda hoping he could be."

"If they like you even remotely as much as you like them they will show.  Promise you that kid."

"Ugh 5 minutes. I hope this wasn't stupid."

"Kid...why would it be stupid?"

"...pam I've never liked someone like this before. I mean maybe once upon a time but then they left and I was stuck in my rut. If y/n likes me back I don't know if I can handle if they reject me or leave."

Pam patted my shoulder and y/n walked up with a huge smile and a tatted old baseball hat on.

"Hey im so glad you made it. So ready to go?"

"Yeah! I'm excited ive never actually been to a gridball game."

"Wait really?! Well I'm glad your first will be with me."

Pam patted me on the back and whispered to me, "told you" and chuckled as she closed the doors. We rode in the bus and made jokes and talked about stardew. Once we got to the stadium I tried to get some food but it was pretty crowded so we just sat down. And through all the chaos and excitement I kissed them.

"Im...I'm so sorry. I just got too excited."


"Im sorry. I didn't.."

They pulled me in and kissed me hard, we didn't even notice we were on the big screen. We soon got back on the bus and I walked them home.

" you wanna come in?"

I smiled and grabbed their waist pulling them into me nodding yes. They fumbled with their door and we stumbled inside to continue our night.

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