34. Message from the Goddess

Start from the beginning

I stood up saying.

Nynaeve slowly dropped her items, bringing them out.

“Fate has a way of deciding things and sometimes, destiny intercedes.”

She stated fiercely.

This time, sprinkling some white salt once more. In her hands was two vicious crystal ball. Her eyes bolted, as she said some chants.

“Do you believe in destiny, My King?”

I moved a little closer to her, in the lines she drew as required. “What do you see?”

“I do not see this time. I can only hear.”

“She wants me to only hear.” she added.

Her eyes closed tightly the minute she said those words. I arched my brows because this rarely happens…

“The Moon Goddess whispers in anger, at me. She says you’re too weak.”

“Weak to be a King.” she added.

My beast growled in response to her words, hitting his chest to show his supremacy.

All these while… this was what she thought of me.

In spite of how I brutally guided this dynasty. Why would she do that?

“She curses.”

“At what? Tell me!”

“She says you trusted the wrong people. Made the wrong choices. She says you’re backing down like a coward.”

“She wants you to do something about it. Or else, she’ll cause the district wars herself.”

Unable to tether in all those rage, my beast instantly took over scattering her witchy materials.

“Go to hell!!!”

Ava’s Pov


My lips murmured, in appreciation at the sight of Piper, playing with her age grades, which I had invited. It was all in my room, to prevent attention though.

I chuckled as she taught one, how to pick a lock.

She wasn’t the best influence to them, I could agree.

However, I couldn’t deny her ability was a treasure.

Something sort of.

I couldn’t remember the last time I had genuine smile as this, in the castle.

Everyone seemed to be busy, hating everyone.

“Remember to listen to Felicia, Piper. I would be right back.”

I told her.

“Are you going to fight again? Please don’t!” she cried out, hugging me.

“I’ll be good, I promise.” Piper added.

“Of course not. I’m going to Emily.”

I patted her head, telling her.

“Can I come too?” she whispered, holding my thumbs.

“You see, we are not in good terms for now. I need to sort things out before we get together again.” I explained.

“Is that okay??”

“S-sure.” she answered, before going to sit back with the kids.

As I made my way, to the former room I stayed when I was a Pawn, I wondered if she was at least going to hear me out.

Was she going to accept my offer to her? Or stubbornly reject it?

With my hands underneath my stomach, I thought of these. I met someone on my way though.

She was clothed in absolute black, overall and dressed weirdly with white chalk marks on her face.

What was this feeling I had around her?

I ignored it, walking past her. However, a part of her shoulder came in contact with mine.

The instant my body connected with hers, something that resembled a flash of a premonition spinned in.



Gnashing of swords and lots of horses.

I could hear screams of agony, like in a war.

“Who are you?”

My eyes bolted, as I looked up to her. “What did you put in my head?”

She gave a creepy smile that minute.


“H-How do you k-know my name?”

She let out a mischievous cackle at my statement.

“I know all about you, dear. I know that you’re a brave and resilient warrior. That you’re now the noble Knight, promoted from a lowly pawn.”

“I also know that you seek answers to the whereabouts to a chest.”

My heart thudded frantically at the accuracy of her words.

“W-what? How do you know so much about me? W-who are you?” I asked in a bit of scare, hoping she wasn’t one of those rare people that could read minds.

Oh no… how was I going to keep my baby as a secret then?

“Nynaeve. The legendary witch of this dynasty. King Caspian summoned me here because of you.”

I pressed my lips in desperation, at her words.


Was this what he had been up to? But why…

“That vision you saw, was an opening of another part of your ability beyond fighting.” Nynaeve suddenly stated, before stepping away.

“If you intend to know more, you know where to find me.” 

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