16. Lady Archer

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The snow fell slowly, pouring on my head while the rain drizzled too. I suspected it was due to my transformation, that I couldn't feel much of the weather.

My skin felt a million thicker and impenetrable.

I in fact, felt so much stronger, as I approached Master Zu. My face wrote of a determined look.

My sword dragged on the floor, making linings on the snow that fell. And breeze blew off my already short hair, which I had earlier cut.

I must win.

I had to win.

If I wanted to defeat Knight Lydia, I had to pass the hurdle.

By defeating Elder Zu himself.

"Come on!"

Master Zu exclaimed, stretching his hands forward.

I suddenly began running towards him, swaying my sword as I ran in the air. Instead of a sword, Master Zu took out a wooden stick.

What was he doing?

I stopped on my spot immediately.

"You're using that?"

I asked. My face in a shocked expression at his piece of weapon.

"Yes, why child?"

"I-I don't want to hurt you." I stated immediately.

Master Zu rubbed a hand on his beards. Suddenly, he began chuckling furiously. His body trembled as he laughed.

My sword shook ferociously in my hands, as I looked at him, wondering what he was laughing about.

"It's funny you think you can hurt me, Ava."

He think I could hurt him?

I was beginning to get a bad energy from this.

"I um--"

I wasn't given time to voice out those words as he suddenly approached me in a full speed and force.

I didn't even see him coming.

By the time I noticed, he was already behind me and hit my back with the wooden stick that he had held earlier.

The effect made me fall down with my face flat on the floor. My eyes bolted at the fact that he, a human had just beaten a wolf.

"Too slow."

He remarked.

His voice was as stern and harsh as ever.

I groaned in agony when I felt the pain which radiated on my back, but good thing I had a faster healing now.

It was gone in less than a milli-second. Thus, I stood up quickly, firmly holding my sword.

I made a move towards him again, this time, elongating my fangs but he dodged it again.

Kicking my both legs this time at the back. I fell weakly to the ground, with snow splattering on my face.

"Certainly not worthy to be a wolf,"

He stated, walking round me in circles.

I stood up, after recovering immediately. This time I tried to match his energy with my sword which I did.

But he was too fast.

Much too fast for a mere human.

It made me wonder how long he had to train. To attain this stage.

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