chap_29_Moments with stranger

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*We 3 had decided to go out for girls night out, ever since jasmine had found out that she got cheated on she locked herself up in the room for few days and finally came out when she felt better, I could see minor changes within herself, she didnt seem down like she was before since she was dating Silas rather she seemed like a Ray of sunshine, we all decided that whatever happened it had happened for a reason.*

Stacey: so did you guys hear from Hellen??

Nicole: not from my side.

Jasmine: same here, I even asked my parents to convince hellen's parents into giving her contact details to them.

Stacey: did it work??

Jasmine: nope, they don't seem to budge.

Nicole: we should go back to our home country.

Stacey: are you even aware of what you are talking about.

Nicole: I am, but we have to go back to get back hellen here.

Jasmine: she is stubborn, she wouldn't come back for sure.

Stacey: facts.

Nicole: but we have to so something.

Stacey: our summer holidays has started, like our parents said let's go see them, it's been years.

Jasmine: how is it related to our current topic.

Stacey: we can try finding her there and then let's try convincing.

Nicole: what if she doesn't listen??

Jasmine: I would stay back there with her for continuing the rest of the studies.

Stacey: I will tag along too I guess.

Nicole: I will too.

Jasmine: what about Ryan though??

Nicole: I will talk to him.

Stacey: OK then it's settled I guess.

Jasmine: lets not waste anymore time let's book the tickets for tomorrow.

Nicole: yeah.


Hellen: so are you ready??

Angel: yep, I got everything I need.

Hellen: I will be around the mall itself so if anything goes wrong just drop me a text.

Angel: yeah yeah got it unnie, won't you be bored there in the mall??

Hellen: I won't be, remember what I said kiddo.

Angel: yeah yeah don't be such a bore.

Hellen: whatever, let's go.

Angel: wait he is coming to pick me up.

Hellen: He is already late.

Angel: lets wait for few more minutes.

Hellen: you really like the guy don't you??

Angel: why would you say that??

Hellen: cause you never wait for anything or anyone.

Angel: things change.

Hellen: *smirks* yeah sure love struck kid

Angel: rude.

*soon Damon ( Angel's date) came to our view on his car, he picked her up and soon they disappeared from my sight, I ran towards my garage took my car out and took a short cut to the mall they were going on a date for and soon I was there before them and I waited till they entered and then texted Angel that I was around and to text me if she wanted anything*

*and then I left to my favourite part of the mall, ICE SKATING.
It was always my favourite thing to do as it also gives me adrenaline rush on a small amount, I took my skates and started skating peacefully that was until someone bumped on to me, but we didn't trip and fall on eachother,
Rather we grabbed eachother by waist for balance and started spinning eachother around, everything went on a slow motion we were staring into eachothers eyes, he had deep dark black eyes with a touch of shine in them because of the tear in them, obviously he wasn't crying but it was a slight touch of it which made it more beautiful and alive.*

*soon the moment was broken when my back had hit one of the corner of the Skating area, I realised what was happening and pushed him away from me because of the shock but he pulled my waist with him and we ended up falling and now I was on top of him.
what made my heart flutter was he covered my head with his hand so that i wouldnt get hurt on my head in any way.*

*and the staffs came running and helped us with medical staff they checked whether we had any injuries fortunately there was no harm done and they left us to be.*

Hellen: I guess you're fine.

Stranger: you could say that.

*I stayed silent for few but then I couldn't control it anymore.*


stranger: You pushed me down so I dragged you with me.

Hellen: what were you expecting out of it smart***, you could've got more hurt then.

Stranger: am OK though.

Hellen: good for you, am leaving.

*he grabbed me from my wrist and pulled me towards his hard chest and my head crashed into it and the best part was I wasn't the only one with racing heartbeats.*

Stranger: not so fast.

Hellen: what do you want Mr....??

Stranger: you're name.

Hellen: oh that's it nothing else??

Stranger: yeah nothing else.

Hellen: i was thinking of giving you my phone number too.

Stranger: that's not what I had asked for.

Hellen: idiot.

Stranger: so??

Hellen: what??

Stranger: name??


Stranger: *smirks* you have 2 middle names.

Hellen: omg you're so annoying am leaving.

*and I was walking away from him*

Stranger: *screams* but you still didn't say you're name.

*as I was walking away Angel came into my view and she was running towards me screaming my name and I heard the stranger smiling victoriously, and soon I realised that Angel just screamed my name infront of him and i face palmed myself.*

*He came towards me and came closer whispered onto my ears.*

Stranger: see you soon Hellen.

*and he walked away from me and turned around to just wink at me and left into the darkness and I was baffled at the situation.*

Angel: who was he??

Hellen: no idea.

Angel: liar since when did we start keeping secrets.

Hellen: I really don't know who he is kiddo.

Angel: I see, well you guys would make a cute couple.

Hellen: even you and Damon would make cute kids.

Angel: don't mock me that's different.

Hellen: how did your date go kiddo??

Angel: OH we spoke a lot and enjoyed our dinner.

Hellen: what's the next step.

Angel: no idea.

Hellen: OK then just go with the flow.

Angel: right.

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