Chap_10_New Start

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Hey, as you all read in the last chapter that Hellen has left from Canada so before we get on with the story I want you guys to read about their past as in their 1st year of college.

In this you will be seeing Hellen and Xavier’s past, jasmine falling in love with Silas and how Nicole fell in love with Ryan since Ryan used to date Nia (Nicole’s sister) you will be seeing lot of Nia in it not only that you will be seeing the only single girl Stacey and her sarcastic personality too.

Stacey: why am I the only single one in this??

Author: you Evan in the story.

Stacey: is there any replacement option for me??

Evan: and whom would you like to replace in my place, no one is better than me.

Stacey: how about Lucas, he seems cool and he is also the new lead prefect.

Evan: He said he likes someone else??

Stacey: what if that someone is me??

Evan: oh please he has better choices than mine.

Stacey: Exactly, we are meant for each other.

Author: I have muted them for you guys, you don’t have to listen to them bickering, so let’s get on with the past yah.



Hellen: this our only chance guys, we HAVE to convince our parents to let us go study abroad.

Nicole: well, my parents are already planning to send me Canada for college so that I am there with my sister Nia.

Hellen: ok then we can use this as a reason and convince our family.

Jasmine: How??

Stacey: we can say our parents about Nicole and her sister Nia, so they will be reassured about safety since one of our family member will be there to look after us.

Nicole: that’s a great idea.

Jasmine: let’s go and convince our family then since we don’t have much time left.

*we went back to our own home and spoke to our family and we decided to video call each other after convincing our parents so that we can take our next move*


Stacey: mom, dad I want to talk to you guys about something??

Mom: even we wanted to talk to you about your plans for college.

Dad: have you made any plans or should we make one for you??

Stacey: NO, I mean no need to make any plans I have already decided about it, I just need permission from you both.

Dad: what is it??

Stacey: you guys know my friend Nicole right??

Mom: yah, what about her??

Stacey: well she is planning to study abroad in Canada and her sister is already there studying.

Dad: and you want to join her.

Stacey: yes, I mean education there is really good……..*I kept blabbering about all the good things there nonstop*

Dad: ok.

Stacey: ok??

Mom: hmm.

Stacey: this was really easy to convince you guys.

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