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Jasmine: the chit says

"The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What is it?"

Silas: a gift to a blind person??

Jasmine: no Silas, it says look around.

Silas: there is nothing but coffin.

Jasmine: right.

Silas: that's it, the answer is coffin.

Jasmine: oh yeah, it's not seen by the person who has used it cause they are dead.

Silas: this game has dark jokes too.

Jasmine: *laughs* anyways let's look inside it.

*Jasmine opens the coffin.*



Staff 5: do you think She will be fine?

Silas: after you just jumped out of the coffin when she opened it, I don't think so man, you scared the day lights out of her.

Staff 5: no shit sherlock, I might get removed from the job if she doesn't wake up any time soon.

*after few minutes*

Jasmine: why does my heard hurt.

Staff 5: awesome she is up my job is safe.

Jasmine: why did you scare me like that bro??

Staff 5: why did she bro zone me, anyways its my job kid and here take the code it's 12345.

Silas: Seriously man.

Staff 5: very serious, do you see me complaining about my job, no right, then do what you have come here for.

Silas: *enters the password*


Silas: lets go babe.

Jasmine: hmm.


Nicole: am hungry already, this is so tiring.

Ryan: just 5 more doors Nic.

Nicole: how long have we been here.

Ryan: 1 and half hour.

Nicole: wow.

Ryan: lets find the chit.

Nicole: here, I found it when I sat on this chair, it was there under it.

Ryan: it says "Balance it"

Nicole: Balance what?

Ryan: maybe we should Balance the chairs, after all there are 2 of them.

Nicole: oh, the first chair says it weighs at 1kg and the second one at 1.5 kg.

Ryan: yep, we definitely have to Balance it.

Nicole: but there is nothing in here to balance it.

Ryan: did the staffs give anything to us.

Nicole: No, we just have the keys and chits.

Ryan: lets Balance it with its help.

Nicole: right.


Nicole: yay just 4 more doors and we are out.


Stacey: I have searched everywhere there is no chit.

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