Chap_23_Escape Room

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Hailey: Hey Xavier.

Xavier:*whispers to Hailey* what are you doing here?

Hailey:*whispers to Xavier* I came to sit with you babe and why are we whispering.

Stacey: what are you whispering about.

Hailey: we were just talking about us hanging out.

Stacey: I think the question was for Xavier. *rolls eyes*

Hailey: doesn't matter at least you got a reply now can I sit with you guys.

Hellen: sure.

*I stood up and left from our table, I went to our college's garden.*

Xavier: why did you leave.

Hellen: I don't like to meet new people.

Xavier: you met us.

Hellen: I was forced to

Xavier: Hellen

Hellen: yes?

Xavier: anger doesn't suit you only smile does.

Hellen: Maximus who forced you to flirt with me.

Xavier: I don't know, it naturally comes to me when am there with you.

Hellen:*smiles* idiot.

Xavier: want to go back in??


Hellen: Bell just rang I have to go for my next lecture.

Xavier: here take this.

*hands her a chocolate bar.*

Xavier: since you didn't eat anything have this you might get some energy.

Hellen: sugar rush is the only thing I will be getting.

Xavier:*smirks* exactly that's what we all need.


Stacey: you see Xavier just left you for Hellen, you better stay away from him.

Hailey: he might have gone behind her right now but he is and he will always be mine.

Stacey: dont keep you're expectations high then you will be shattered when it doesn't happen.

Hailey: you better wish that Hellen stays away from Xavier or else

Jasmine: or else what?

Hailey: she will regret it.

Nicole: leave from here before I report this behaviour of yours to the professors.


Jasmine: guys Xavier just called me.

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