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HELLEN: Am sure you have already read the description of the story if not you can go read and continue here cause author is lazy to type all over again after all she is the living proof of human sloth but if your an sloth too don't worry she decided to copy paste it in here, genius right I know.

NICOLE: Fun-tastic four or that's what we wanted to be. Such a good name to describe us 4.

STACEY: Don't worry it was our childhood's first cringe decision ever so we decided to drag it with us our whole life journey , epic right.

JASMINE: This story is journey of our life with you guys.

NICOLE: We are 4 girls with totally different personalities with different perspectives of lives.

STACEY: Let's not drag a lot and get on with it .


Just so you guys know am an happy go introvert. For me talking to human's other than my family is like torturing myself for getting an A+ in math test from this you can get how I desperately despise both socializing and math, if you were actually paying attention to my words you would have questions like " what about your friends are they your family, impossible" Well actually its a complicated story, the thing is I don't consider them as humans but an angel who saved my you, did you think I would say that oh please T_T

They annoy the living daylights out of me so I consider them as buzzing bees and not human.

If I had to describe myself in four words that would be: confident, independent, introvert and RUDE.

Yes I am known for being rude, you will know the reason throughout the story keep reading or not, depends on your mood.


Hey Am Nicole the only normal girl in the group.

HELLEN: it's rude to lie Nicole and people say am the rude one out of us 4 so disappointed.

Ignore her and like I said am "Normal" one from us 4. I live to socialize it just naturally comes to me , I was that girl who would want a happy and normal life with that one guy.

I wouldn't consider myself as independent I would rather be dependent on someone made for me.

STACEY: just say your hopeless romantic girl waiting for the Prince charming to do it for you girl.

Yah what she said , if I had to describe myself in four words that would be:
Dancer , Two goody shoes , honest and ROMANTIC.

JASMINE: Doesn't " two goody shoes" have 3 words in it.... .

HELLEN: WOW she can speak.

STACEY: We can just ask the author to let us say 4 sentences about us.

NICOLE: Then what's the point of saying that when we can just keep talking things.

HELLEN: You mean "keep talking bullshit".

JASMINE: Why is it specifically abt bull's shit.

Hellen left the chat
So did the author......


Yo I like to talk a lot yet am an extrointrovert you might be confused what it is well I meant to say am half extrovert and half introvert totally depends on my mood.

My hobby is to roast people I totally live for it, you might wonder even if you didn't wonder I will still talk about it very classic right, like I said you might wonder wouldn't it make people hate you even more that's where your wrong I always add lmao or lol to make it seem sweet u should try it , it does wonders on people but let me be honest this technique was taught to me by HELLEN herself the only thing I was proud of from her.

HELLEN: *Roll's eyes*

Well if I had to describe myself in 4 words those words are blessed: short, straightforward, smart and SAVAGE.


Hi its fun to see you guys read about wait I didn't mean to sound creepy when I said " to SEE you guys read" *sighs* well people laugh at everything I say i know very stupid but they blame it on my accent but I DONT HAVE ONE I figured I will never know the reason behind it but Stacey did say that my voice sounded funny like parrot talking I hope she was kidding when she said that or else......I-

HELLEN: Jas she wasn't kidding when she said that....... .

I-.......where is that kid am gonna hide all her heels let me see how she laughs at my voice next time.

ahem* clears throat* well if I had to describe myself in 4 words that would be: Tall , funny , loyal and I HATE CHEATERS.

you will know the reason if you have decided to continue reading this story.


Hey viewers I hope you guys enjoyed my video please like share and subscribe and don't forget to click that b-...


STACEY: YA what hell said...

JASMINE AND NICOLE: Don't be rude guys she is just tired by writing.

AUTHOR: Let me just mute my characters yah..

JASMINE: nevermind be as rude as you guys want to be with her.


Where was I...let me scroll up, be right back.....oh yah about that bell I guess u guys don't have to click that here *cries her heart out*.

I would love to hear from you guys about my story although I doubt I would have any views but you never know.

Just so you guys know STACEY is 19 the oldest one among them the second oldest would be JASMINE who is 18 at the moment which leaves NICOLE as the 3rd oldest who is 17 at the moment and let's conclude that HELLEN is youngest among them as 17.
Even with their age differences they are always stuck with each other like.............
* thinks of the worst comparison that exists* glue and fingers yah.

Now it's time to show off my skills in languages.


I heard a guy say this in a video you can confront him if it means something.....something wrong I guess...

something wrong I guess

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