Chap_27_Heart Broken

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*I was waiting for the 3 of them to come to the back stage after I had called them, they seemed to be there with Xavier too *sighs* I really was getting nervous as time neared by.*

Hellen: Finally, Stacey get ready to go up the stage.

Stacey: we have so much time left.

Lucas: No we don't stay, go get ready next is out turn.

*she took a heavy breath and whispered something to Jasmine and Nicole, I noticed how their face fell into a sad expression after it and I thought to myself about how weird my friends are, I smiled at the thought of it.*

Stacey: Hell we have something important to say to you.

Hellen: you can say when you're done with you're turn, now go get ready.

*I pushed her to go and without a fight even she left towards the room, soon she came back and the band was ready to perform, even the host had called them out on the stage.*

*they had been performing for the past half hour, it was pretty long one and am sure they would be tired after it, after all they performed multiple songs, and the crowd was cheering for them more than they had cheered for any other bands*

*they were done with the performance and Stacey came running from the stage and she was breathing heavily*

Hellen: here some water?? *smiled*

*she grabbed the water bottle from me and drank the whole water in one go and Lucas started whining about her finishing the water.*

Stacey: get it from someone else Lucas.

Lucas: obviously cause you have already gulped the whole thing now.

Stacey:*rolls eyes*.

*pretty much everyone left us on the backstage and we 4 were alone and on the stage were other band doing their performance they can't beat our college's band with some High figh songs right.*

Nicole: Hellen??

Hellen: yeah??

Stacey: we have something to say.

Hellen: say then.

Jasmine: dont get angry or sad.

Hellen: it can't be that worse for example one of you is pregnant.


Hellen: calm down, it was just an example. *laughs*

Nicole: listen to this voice message.

Hellen: is it some gossip??

Jasmine: No.

Hellen: then what is it about??


Hellen: then PLAY IT FIRST.


Xavier: what if I choose her?

Hailey: Don't do that she is a **** I have already seen her with so many different guys, how can you choose her over me.

Xavier: you're lying right?

Hailey: no am not, am serious about it, I even heard her friends talking to her about some guy she liked I also heard she is going to propose to him sometime soon and that guy isn't you Xavier.

Xavier: Hailey-

Hailey: shhuu, don't talk babe I really love you please choose me I would do anything for you.

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