Yn + Aussie (2/2)

Start from the beginning

'Maybe because they have an connection to me, I can only do this is EU countries. I guess you want me to wake up Germany so I'll do it.' EU riled up some magic and placed it on Germany's head to wake him up. Germany jerked sharply and his eyes were wide open.

'W-what? What happened.'
'Emergency, just give us all of your energy.' UN said.
'ALL? I WOULD DIE!' Germany exclaimed and EU looked at Germany with pity. 'Unless I get blood but nobody is going to give me blood!'
'We are willing to give you blood, but this is an emergency.' Germany was confused.

'Emergency?' UN pointed at Yn. Germany was sure that she lost all her energy. 'And I have to die?'

'You won't die, otherwise we wouldn't be here right now.' Germany was getting more puzzled by every second and Reich was telling Germany not to do it. Germany couldn't walk yet so he used his wings to fly and float to Yn. He took his halo, that he got knocked by out thrice.

He let his energy onto his halo, it flew darker and glowed more before Germany gathered it all in a small dark bubble from his halo. Germany then took Y/ns arm and scratched a hole in it to let the dark bubble in full of Germany's strong energy. When he was finished, Germany passed out from 100% energy loss and collapsed onto the cold lab floor.

EU was concerned and took Germany back to the bed. 'Yep, no energy with Germany right now. Next question, is Yn alive yet and when will Germany regenerate?' EU asked. UN thought about, yeah no they haven't thought it through on how to revive Germany.

'We will find out... Yn seems to have normal energy levels again.' UN said, glad that she was okay for now. Germany was twitching a lot, it was good that he was alive, bad thing was that his magic was trying to wake him up, causing him to not be able to regenerate energy.

<Reich and Germany>

Germany was up in the other place.
'WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?' Reich yelled at Germany while trying to wake up.
'Reich! Stop you are wasting energy.'
'Says you, I'm doing a good job here, see? Your wing is already moving.'
'OMG this idiot.' Germany thought, but his thoughts are out loud.

'Don't you dare insult me!' Reich growled while kicking Germany, he screamed and kicked Reich back, which lashed out into a fight. At least Reich wasn't paying attention to the energy anymore.

UN saw that Germany's wing stopped moving, he checked if he was alive.
'His magic stopped trying to wake up. I guess he got convinced.'

Germany coughed as Reich chocked him. Germany hissed and pressed his thumb hard on Reich's wing, Reich gasped and let go of Germany who gasped for air.
'You little B-'
'SHUT UP REICH! WHO KEEPS THIS BODY ALIVE? WHO KEEPS YOU ALIVE FROM UN AND NATO HUH?!' Germany yelled and coughed more for air, you can't die here but you can feel all the pain here.

'NO YOU ARE NOT!' Germany rushed to the buttons of his mind, 'this is so weird...' Germany changed his halo to energy mode, hoping someone will take the hint to touch it. Reich charged at Germany and pulled Germany by the wing. Germany hissed and did a small spin to knock Reich to the ground. 'REICH STOP THIS!'


'GERMANY YOU ARE THE WORST VESSEL MASTER!' Reich said while getting up and punching Germany, Germany slapped Reich.

UN saw the halo change a bit.
'That halo drains energy, should somebody touch it?'
'Well yeah, I'll do it.' EU took the halo, feeling tired and slipped onto the ground, holding onto a handrail. 'I'm fine! Just in case you are asking.' UN helped EU on a chair.

Germany and Reich felt the energy wave.
'Yes! Finally!' Germany rushed to get his consciousness back but Reich pulled him back.

'No! You need to learn your lesson to not be such a brat!'

'REICH!' He pushed Reich aside. They started to alternate too quickly.

UN noticed how Germany kept switching to Reich and himself, this wasn't good. He knew that they were having conflicts since Prussia explained it to them before, they need to be stopped before they actually trap the master of the vessel forever. Meaning no more Germany, only their magic.

UN walked over to Germany.

Germany and Reich turned to the camera switch, Germany was dizzy and slipped onto his mind.
'A-agh.. Reich.. I feel different.' Reich scoffed.

'Good.' Reich spat before hearing UN tell those words. Germany tried to get up but was too dizzy, Reich was trying to tell UN that Germany deserved it.

'DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL GERMANY?' Reich, who was currently in control shook his head.
'THEN LET HIM HERE!' UN activated his power which terrified the black magic and left Germany.

'Next time I won't be so easy on you.' Reich threatened and picked up Germany before shooting a beam of light, making him wake.

Germany gasped and fear and UN patted his back to comfort him.
'Germany? You good?' Germany coughed in response.

'W-what. The. Duck was that?' Germany growled angrily. Germany looked at himself around to see the wounds he got during the fight with Reich but none appeared. 'What? I swear I was bleeding and stuff!' UN looked at Germany before understanding after the memory of Prussia.

Yn meanwhile was waking up too, Germany didn't recognize the figure yet since he didn't have his glasses.
'Did you forget to take my glasses, also how do I get to my dorm?' Germany said annoyed, I don't have my stupid wheelchair!'

EU looked back at UN who shrugged.
'I can get somebody to pick you, Czechia maybe?'
'CZECHIA IS MISSING!' Germany yelled before rubbing his eyes, 'Also whoever gave me their energy, thank you but you kind of messed up.'


'That was emergency mode EU, that will keep eating your energy until o get fully recovered, which I'm not.So expect to get more tired even after sleep until I am fixed.' Germany said and EU felt energy escape him.

'Will I die?'

'No. Black magic likes to keep its victims alive.' Germany explained. Poland went to the lab.

'Niemcy! Where are your glasses and wheelchair? Saarland was panicking on how you suddenly disappeared.' Poland moved his wheelchair to Germany and lifted him up. 'How do you get back to your dorm??' Poland said. Germany shrugged.

<after an hour trying to get Germany back to the dorm.>

Poland set Germany on the sofa in Germany's dorm and Germany sighed.
'You own me a new pair of wings.'
'Sure, want my black magic infested ones?' Germany joked while flapping his wings lightly. Poland shook his head and rolled his eyes.

How do you think the axis will get Germany next?
Is Australia REALLY cured or just a cover?


Do you guys prefer my Gerpol parts or angst parts with Germany? (Please answer this part ;-; so I can write my writing more to your liking.)

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