Chapter 25- Advice

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Zayn's POV
I walked into Niall's hospital room, and see him and Liam talking which makes me breathe out in relief.

I ran over to him and hugged him."Are you ok!?" I asked in concern.

"Yeah I'm ok. Just a few bruises and cuts and adding a slight concussion." He said.

"What did Keith tell you?"

He sat up and bit and I pulled up a chair and sat down."Really nothing actually. They were all just beating me senseless." He replied.

I nodded."I'm really sorry about bringing you two into this situation."

Liam pats my back."It's fine we'll help you end this situation. Right Niall?"

"Right, and Zayn I'm sorry." Niall says.

I furrowed my eyebrows."Sorry for what? I'm the one that should be apologizing." I exclaimed.

"For not believing you about the whole baby thing...." He trailed off.

"It's ok, shouldn't have over reacted like that...."

Niall interrupts."No I should have let you explain first. I was an asshole, I was too blind to see how nervous you were to tell me, and I thought it was a damn joke."

"Well I accept your apology, and don't worry it's not your fault. I did the same thing when Harry first told me." I mentioned.

Niall fixes his pillows and pulls the sheets up."No offense, but I bet Harry hates your guts considering all the things you've done to him in the past years."

I sighed."You're right he..."

Liam stops me."Hold on a sec, he doesn't hate you, let's just say he's...warming up on you. I talked to him this morning, and he says since you are the other father then he's gonna need to learn how get along with you."

"But that could take months. How am I suppose to make up for 2 years!?" I questioned.

"Harry just wants to know if you really care, and apparently I hate to give it to ya, but you haven't been very good at doing that." Liam mentions.

I stroked through my hair getting even more frustrated."How am I supposed to do that!? He barely wants to talk to me!?"

They both paused and Liam snaps."Prove it to him. We all know that you really want to be there for him, so here's a few things you could do. Like go to all of his next appointments, he needs all the support he can get. Call and text him more often, just do things you two might enjoy doing together, but nothing dangerous."

I hummed."Maybe you're right."

"And here's a start, Harry's turning 17 on Saturday, buy him something nice. Or just stop by his house and wish him happy birthday."

I nodded."Alright I'm going to do that. But I don't know what to get him."

"Get him anything mate! I'm sure he would like anything from you." Niall Exclaimed.


"Good, now tell me how do you feel about having twins." Liam asks.


"WHAT..TWINS!?" Niall yells.

Me and Liam laughed a bit."Yes Niall, we're having twins. Which means double trouble."

Niall smirks."I'm sure they won't cause as much trouble as you ever did."

I gasped."Seriously, am I that much trouble!?"

"Zayn...look at where I am." Niall reminds me.

I nodded nervously."Right..."

"So how do you feel about having twins?" Niall asks the same question."

Bradford Bad Boy [Zarry Mpreg] - Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon