Chapter 23- Awkward Moments

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Zayn's POV
"Alright Zayn you almost ready for football season!?" Chris one of my teammates asks.

"Hell yeah! We're going to smash it!"

"Do you know who our new member is?"

I shook my head."No."

"Well his name is Louis Tomlinson and he is a master on the field! You should see that boy in gym class, nothing but pure skill!" He says excitedly.

"Yeah I know him, is he really that good?" I questioned.

"Duh I just said he was a master on the field." He added.

I just sighed."Alright I'll see you tomorrow at practice."

"Ok see ya." He said before he walks down the hall and I head down to the cafeteria.

Once I get there I greet a few of my other friends then get my lunch.

I looked around the cafeteria to see if Niall was is at our regular table and apparently he wasn't.


I don't blame Niall for not wanting to speak to me though. I did kinda go off on him the other day for not believing me, but he seriously deserved it.

So I just decided to give him a while until I'm ready to talk to him.

As I walked to my table I was met up by Liam who was texting on his phone.

"What's up Liam."

He looks up from his phone."Oh hey Zayn." He greets.

I sit down and lean back in my chair."Have you seen Harry today?" I asked.

" I haven't seen him yet, we don't have any classes together except gym, but he can't go because...well you know." He replied.

I nodded totally forgetting that Harry has limits now."Right I forgot. I'm still trying to get use to the fact that he's actually pregnant."

"Yeah I know it's a bit shocking, Harry is so shy and quiet. You would never expect him to actually have unprotected sex." Liam mentioned.

Liam is right Harry wouldn't do something like that, he follows the rules, makes straight A's, and most of all he just a nice person. I now just realizing that I ruined this boy's life.

"Do you know where he might could be because I really need to talk to him."

He looked around a bit and shrugged."I don't know? He usually sitting at his table by now." He answered.

Just when I'm about to speak Louis passes by our table, and Liam stops him."Hey Louis." Liam greeted.

"Hey Liam." He answers back.

I didn't say greet him because I already knew he didn't want to speak me.

"Where's Harry?" He asked.

"Umm...He's not feeling well today, so his mum said it was best if he stays home today and rest.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

Louis gives me a death stare then speaks."Why do you care?" He says sternly.

"Hey I care about the boy. He's carrying my children too." I snapped back.

Louis expression turns totally into confusion and he whispers into Liam's ear.

He nods then gazes at me."So you finally believe him after 2 months!?"

I nodded nervously."Yeah I did a bit of research, and he sent me a note." I exclaimed.

"Are you going to stick by his side? I mean you helped him create them, their going to be your responsibility too." Louis asks.

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