Chapter 45-Plans A & B (Part 2)

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It wasn't the old-hat move of the Middle Eastern terrorists of the past—strapping on a pack of dynamite and charging towards the target, turning yourself into a bomb on legs. Compared to those "revolutionary martyrs," this human bomb was obviously in a more fashionable style; the means of carrying were more convenient.

Because he blew up from inside.

The floor tiles were lifted by the explosion, and a big hole appeared in the conference room's wall, but miraculously, no one was hurt.

The instant the explosion occurred, an enormous clear shield suddenly stood up from the floor. Some of the guards hadn't been expecting it and in their panic had their guns "seized" by the clear shield. Then, in the blink of an eye, the shield reached the conference room's ceiling, firmly supporting the building and limiting the scope of the explosion's damage.

Su Qing clicked his tongue in admiration at this—now this was the standard of a developed country... He suddenly found that this RZ Unit truly had too many good things. They simply couldn't be fished up.

A great portion of men display interest in machinery from a very young age. Su Qing was the same. He observed with an almost unbearable itch, then looked down at himself and instantly felt sadness welling up.

Then he suddenly noticed that the second "person with bad intentions," the one who had fired the gun, was moving. Number 2 had been standing in a very distant corner. Before the rest had recovered from the aftereffects of the bomb and the protective shield that had come up out of nowhere, he turned and left without anyone noticing.

Su Qing had an idea. Without overthinking it, he immediately followed Number 2.

Right after he left, General Xiong puffed on his cigarette and glanced at the place where Su Qing had been hidden, a thoughtful expression appearing on his face. The sound of the explosion had disturbed many people. Qin Luo was the first to arrive with backup. After a moment, Hu Bugui came, too. But he didn't go over to investigate. He only looked at General Xiong from far away.

He saw General Xiong spread the webbing between his left thumb and forefinger, press his right forefinger and thumb respectively to the tip and the second joint of his left forefinger, and hold the tip of his left thumb to the base of his right thumb. It looked like an English capital letter "B."

Hu Bugui nodded and left in long strides.

Su Qing didn't see these little gestures. He dodged the RZ Unit headquarters' security monitors and alarms along with the person he was following, moving quickly. Then he stood by and watched as the person he was following imitated him, ducking into the sewers.

Su Qing wanted to cry. His sense of smell was much more sensitive than an average person's. There had been nothing for it these last couple of weeks; he had spent quite a long time underground. Now he thought that even the air around him smelled putrid. Even though he wasn't obsessed with cleanliness, he also wasn't obsessed with filth. He really didn't want to relive his past experience.

But the man he was following had thrown himself right in and showed no signs of coming out anytime soon. Su Qing staked the place out for a while, hiding from several batches of searchers as he did so, then at last decided to lay down his life for the revolution. Gnashing his teeth and stamping his feet, he squeezed in after him to pass through the sewers.

At this time, of the enemy agents hidden in the headquarters who had jumped out, four had been shot dead by mobile search teams and one had self-destructed. The work on the ground was drawing to a close. Cheng Ge had also been found. After he had put together that huge and difficult puzzle, he had felt hungry, so he had wandered out of the restroom on his own.

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