The RZ Unit headquarters couldn't be called small. While it couldn't match up to the large scale of the blue seal base, it was close enough. It had all the personnel and armaments it needed. But there were only six core members. Yes, only six remained now.

When General Xiong walked into the conference room, he looked silently at the empty chair. Then, his expression unchanging, he averted his gaze and spoke: "Everyone sit down."

Xu Ruchong stealthily lowered his head. His movements very small and very subtle, he avoided everyone's lines of sight and yawned. As expected, when General Xiong spoke, he slowly enunciated every syllable: "It has been a long time since I have seen all of you. I came today with two aims. First, because you have all been working very hard recently, I came to represent the Party and the leadership in conveying my regards to everyone. The people thank you for your contributions to the safety, stability, unity, and harmony of society."

This speech of General Xiong's contained less than a hundred words, but it took him fully three minutes. There was a "Special English" for learners with a talking speed so slow it was hypnotic. It was used for correcting the pronunciation of beginners. What General Xiong was speaking wasn't merely "Special Chinese," it was "Special Special Chinese."

After he was finished, he paused and reached out to pick up a teacup and calmly drank, then cleared his throat—it even took him twice as long as others to clear his throat. He was a paragon of leadership.

Luckily, the six people sitting there were already very used to this. Each of them minded their own business...earnestly letting their minds wander.

"Second," General Xiong continued after rehydrating, "I am representing the leadership and the Central Committee in countering certain problems in our work. I present the following three points."

Xu Ruchong lowered his head, once again yawning in the midst of General Xiong's lengthy words. When he found General Xiong glancing at him, he quickly shut his wide-open mouth as though afraid a fly would fly in.

They barely made it to the end of General Xiong's long-winded "Points 1, 2, 3," then saw the old fellow pick up the teacup and drink once again. "Next, representing only myself, I will add a few supplemental points."

This time Xue Xiaolu also couldn't resist. She forced back her yawn with an ingenious posture, bringing tears to her limpid eyes.

They were all faintly guessing what this sudden digression of Lao Xiong's could mean. Fang Xiu and Lu Qingbai exchanged a covert look. Meanwhile there were no hints on Hu Bugui's face; he sat there quietly, listening to Lao Xiong's interminable platitudes.

Had something gone wrong up above? Had there been an outcome in the investigation into the enemy agent within the RZ Unit, or was there to be some other alteration in personnel?

But this leader was truly too composed. He spoke for over an hour without reaching the main subject.

At last, the ideological education concluded. Hu Bugui, with a face as stiff as a carving, led them all in a round of applause. Then they heard General Xiong say, "All right, that's all I have to say today. Everyone, please return to your positions and continue your work."

The seated people stared at each other, all of them thinking that this lordship's heart was truly unfathomable. Fortunately, Lao Xiong added another sentence: "Oh, Xiao Hu, stay back a bit, I still have a few things to tell you."

Hu Bugui seemed to have been expecting this move from him. Unsurprised, he waved to the others. "Go ahead. If anything happens, just come see me."

The others then fled helter-skelter.

The conference room door was closed from outside. Only General Xiong and Hu Bugui remained inside. General Xiong was silent for a while, then sighed and extended his arm to pat the chair that hadn't been sat in. He said, "When I came last year, Xiao Liao was still with us."

Hu Bugui agreed dully. "In our line of work, we're always prepared to make a sacrifice."

General Xiong propped one arm on the table and slightly lowered his head. His expression looked a little profound. Then he extended his other arm and turned his palm upward. His palm was different from the tender, pampered-looking back of his hand. From the center of the palm to the fingers, there were all kinds of calluses and scars. He gently spread his hand and tapped the teacup next to him. "I'll be staying here all day tomorrow to cooperate with your plans. But have you considered what to do if that person doesn't show themselves?"

Hu Bugui twitched the corners of his lips in a not very sincere smile. "That won't happen," he said. After a while, he added, "I understand the circumstances. The RZ Unit is my territory. Anyone who wants to act here won't have it so easy. I have a rough idea of who the enemy agent is. The preparations for the investigation are done."

General Xiong looked at him and frowned gently. "I believe what you're saying, but you seem to be a little fretful. Is there something else?"

When asked this question, Hu Bugui would never answer at once. He would always pause for a long while and turn it over in his mind. Only when he had determined that there was no problem would he shake his head. It gave people an impression of extreme deliberation and certainty.

General Xiong considered, then smiled. "Oh, I see. It's because of your little friend who still hasn't been willing to make an appearance? I heard."

Hu Bugui stared. The day he had learned of the intruder in headquarters, he had guessed that it was likely to be Su Qing, so he had kept the matter under wraps and hadn't reported it up. But this old fox still knew.

General Xiong gave an unfathomable smile. "Hey, I'm getting on in years. Sometimes I like to listen to some young people's stories."

Hu Bugui was silent, not speaking. But General Xiong continued on his own: "This little friend has talent and guts. I think that the RZ Unit is missing just such a person."

Hu Bugui immediately looked up at General Xiong and heard him use that richly unique "Special Special Chinese" to unhurriedly comment, "Xiao Liao gave up his life last year, so there are only the three of you left to attend to the field work. Fang Xiu is passable. Let's not mention Qin Luo. That young lady hasn't gotten any better at talking to people. She still doesn't dare to raise her head. As for you, I'm not casting aspersions, but you have your problems."

Hu Bugui said, "Yes, sir."

Pointing to the tabletop, General Xiong said, "You aren't very good at communicating. Though we basically have a nearly militarized administration here, ideological work between comrades can't be overlooked..."

Seeing that Lao Xiong was about to start on some more "supplemental points," Hu Bugui quickly turned the subject back. "General, do you mean that he can stay?"

Beaming, General Xiong said, "Ah, we can't limit ourselves in our use of talent. Talent is one of our country's most precious blessings. How could we not value it highly?"

Hu Bugui forced a smile. "I'm afraid he..."

General Xiong waved a hand. "There's nothing to worry about. Find him, and I'll talk to him. I have experience with ideological work concerning young comrades."

He said this as though it would only take a snap of his fingers.

The corners of Hu Bugui's lips twitched slightly. He didn't get into a pointless argument with his old superior.

This day was destined not to be tranquil. Near evening, when the sun was beginning to set, a sharp alarm suddenly rang. General Xiong and Hu Bugui in the conference room, all the personnel at their posts, Cheng Weizhi...and Su Qing, all heard this alarm.

People from three camps began to move simultaneously. A group of armed personnel immediately charged into Cheng Weizhi's rooms, tightly surrounding the room where the father and son were staying.

The air in the RZ Unit headquarters abruptly tensed.

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