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"girl...you've been limping for the past week what the hell?" kima said as she took off the shoes she tried on.

"shut up..." i mumbled sitting beside her.

"she not wrong tho- junior! stop bothering that girl!" ivy yelled and i laughed as junior ran back over to us.

"i almost had her number." he frowned.

"boy that girl a good 16 and you finna be 7 hush." she said and and he smacked his lips before sitting in my lap.

"you got them night night gummies?" he asked me and i shook my head no.

"anytime yo ass get upset you always wanna take it." ivy said and he rolled his eyes and ignored her.

"now back to the limping..." ivy said pointing at me.

"i fell down tahani steps." i lied.

"more like on her strap." kima said.

she ain't wrong- me and tahani had been fuckin like rabbits and she stay messing up my walk.

"alright..." i said getting up and held junior on my hip.

"yo ass getting heavy." i said mugging him and he mushed my face.

"no yo ass getting weak." he said and ivy popped his arm.

"stop cussing."

"i'm sorry...not" he said once she got far enough.

"bad ass..." kima said shaking her head.

"your pretty." junior said to kima.

"thank you kind sir."

"don't hype her up more junior." i said and kima smacked her lips.


"you not finna come with us?" kima
asked as she got in her car.

"nah imma catch up with y'all later we still going to the club right?" i asked and ivy nodded her head.

"yeah junior wanna go to my moms house today anyway." ivy said holding a sleeping junior.

"ight i'll see y'all later.." i said then got in my car.

i drove to the nearest gas station and went inside,"can i get 30 on 5?" the cashier nodded and handed me my receipt.

i walked back out and opened my gas tank, i pressed regular then placed the nozzle inside.

"aye? ain't yo name aspen?" i looked up and saw someone with their hoodie on.

"no?" i said looking them up and down, they simply nodded their head before walking back to their car.

i shrugged off the weird feeling- and finished pumping the gas, i started calling tahani.

"yes baby?"

"h-hey what you doing?"

"smoking wit kaymor and wynn, wassup you need me?"

"no i jus-" before i could open my door, i heard gunshots go off and felt my stomach start hurting badly.

i looked down and saw blood leaking through my shirt,"aspen! baby! you good?!"

i heard from my phone but my eyes were shut tightly as i held onto my stomach, i leaned against my car for support slowly letting myself fall.

this had to be the most painful shit to go through.

"oh my god! are you okay!?"

i couldn't even give a smart remark as my eyes slowly opened and i looked up to see an older white man.

i watched him pull out his phone and others started coming over, i looked over and saw a car leaving.

i caught a glimpse of kylin.


"hey..." i slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by the white light.

"ohh my god i'm in heaven-"

"sweetie your in south hospital.." my eyes finally adjusted to my surroundings and i saw i was in a hospital room.

"oh...i thought sumn was wrong..." i mumbled slowly sitting up and quickly laid back down as i felt pain in my stomach.

"i'll get you some more pain medicine...is there anything i could get you?" she asked as she typed on a computer.

i looked down and saw i was hooked up to an iv,"water..." i mumbled and she nodded before walking out.

i stared up at the ceiling, i looked over towards the ceiling and jumped as i saw tahani asleep on the couch.

i wonder when she got here

i looked out the window and saw it was getting dark,"tahani..."

i really couldn't yell my throat was kinda dry and sore,"here you are." she placed a cup of water on the table beside me.

"make sure you take some of this for the pain. and try to relax as much as you can, we removed the bullet now we just need the wound to heal, it's been stitched up and wrapped."

i watched as she checked a few more things before leaving, i grabbed the pills and took them with the water.

i slowly sat up ignoring the pain in my stomach , i got out the bed letting my feet hit the floor then saw tahani already had the couch pulled out into a bed.

i softly shook her shoulder and watched as she slowly opened her eyes,"aspen- what you doing mama lay down?" she quickly got up and tried to get me to lay back down.

"wait- i wanted to hug you..." i mumbled.

she sighed and made me lay back down before laying beside me in the bed,"yo slow ass done ripped yo iv out tryna move and shit..." she said then pressed the nurse button.

i looked down and saw it did come out and i was bleeding some, the door opened revealing a nurse.

"cant be moving around too much with one of these connected to you." the nurse said as she held something against my hand to stop the bleeding.

she grabbed another iv and i looked away as she started messing with my hand, tahini held my other hand and i tensed a little as i felt the pinch.

"alright try not to rip this one out..."

she gathered all her stuff then left,"do you know what-"

"kylin." i quickly said and watched her whole demeanor change.


"before i started pumping my gas some dude asked was i aspen and i said no before he left then not too long after i got on the phone with you i was shot...then a car sped off and i saw kylin driving it..." i said and she nodded her head before kissing my forehead.

"i'm just glad you okay baby...kaymor and all 'em came by earlier but you were still in surgery and visiting hours were over..."

"how come you got to stay?" i asked messing with her hair.

"i said i was yo wife." i laughed before kissing her.

"well i'm glad you was able to stay..." i said holding her face with my hands.

she smiled at me before kissing me again,"know kylin finna get hers..." she said.

"waittt i wanna beat her ass first." i frowned and she laughed.

"won't be needed mama...i got some family that's crazy as hell." she said and i laughed.

"well can i whoop her ass first?"

"yeah but AFTER you fully heal." she said and i nodded my head.

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