Never Be Mine - Part 4

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The rest of the evening flutters by, brushed over like the flick of a pale wrist. His pale wrist. I try to fall asleep, as we were invited to sleep over, but the evenings events flicker before my eyes, pulling me from my dreams.

'Bianca,' I whisper. 'Bianca,' I hiss, trying to get my best friend awake. This continues until I get gradually louder and fear waking up Taylor, so just shove Bianca violently off of her makeshift blanket bed.

'What do you want?' She snarls, displaying her fangs in the darkness. Okay, I'm overreacting but she may as well have fangs. She's that scary.

'I need to tell you something.'

'You couldn't have told me before we went to sleep?'

'I was asleep before you guys.'

'Ugh.' Bianca grunts, rolling over and propping herself up. 'Not in here.' Without even having to speak, we both know exactly where to go.


'So, what was it you so desperately needed to tell me?' We're both sat at the kitchen table with identical glasses of milk and a huge plate of leftovers in front of us.

'Well,' I take a bite of my cookie. 'You know I was cooking in the kitchen?' She nods, matching my bite with one of her own, demolishing half of the cookie in doing so. 'Dan came to see me.'

She clutches her chest and pounds on the table, trying to displace a piece of cooking lodged in her throat. When I go to offer assistance, she waves me off through her tears. Eventually, the spluttering subsides and she picks up he conversation where we left it.

'He came to visit?!'


'And...?' I just bite my lip and look down at the table, eagerly picking up a cold sausage roll. She knows exactly what I mean. 'No!'

'Yes!' I squeal, and she clutches my free hand from across the table.

'I'm so happy for you! Now tell me all about it!'


'That simple? Woah. I told you he liked you...' She voices whimsically. She knew and she'll happily tell me, just like she always does.

'I just can't believe it. I mean, seriously! Just out of nowhere.'

'You know what's coming now though, right?' I nod in despair. We all know what's coming next. 'You need to be careful of the friend zone. I've told you a million times before, but I just want you to be safe because he will hurt you.'

'I know.' I agree with her comment solemnly. Wow, this got pretty grim quite quickly.

'But for the time being,' of course. She always knows how to lighten the mood. 'It's time for some Y/N, Bianca time. We're going shopping. We're raiding Primark and no one can stop us.'

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