Chapter 38-Catch You Later in the Jianghu

Start from the beginning

Just then, his earpiece sounded. It wasn't the channel for headquarters or for any of the field personnel. In that moment, Hu Bugui's heart actually stopped.

Wherever Su Qing had gotten to this time, the sound coming through the earpiece was very noisy.

Probably because Hu Bugui's aura was so strong, Su Qing never felt entirely natural speaking to him. Like the first time when he had woken up in that little hotel room, he had an impulse to deliver a report.

He gave a dry cough, clearing his slightly tight throat. "Ahem, Captain Hu, you can hear me?"

Hu Bugui quickly stood up and gestured to all the field personnel searching Ji Pengcheng's room attempting to find some clues, making them be quiet.

"Where are you? When did you leave? There's blood on the bandage, where are you hurt?"

Su Qing stared, understanding that in such a short time Hu Bugui had already found his final stop in C City—Ji Pengcheng's home. A little uncertainly, he asked, "So you really are looking for me?"

If Su Qing had been in front of him, Hu Bugui thought that he would have punched him. This scoundrel hadn't noticed at all his own importance as the world's only possessor of a double core. So many people with different motives were searching for him all over, and for him it was a casual "you really are looking."

Su Qing gave a soft laugh. His voice was actually very pleasant, especially when he laughed softly. It was like a little brush swiping over the heart. He said, "Stop looking, don't hold up your proper business."

The veins stood out on Hu Bugui's temples. "We currently have no way to know how large Utopia is, how many people it has. Do you know how much danger you're in on your own?"

"Oh," said Su Qing, "it's all right, really. I think I can deal with it. In the future there will come a day when even if they don't come to find me, I'll go to find them."

Hu Bugui's heart tightened. "What are you going to do?"

Su Qing was silent for a while. After a long moment, he quietly said, "I'm just calling in on you, and then I'll go. I won't contact you again. If something happens, I definitely won't reveal any information about the RZ Unit—of course, I don't actually know any information."

He paused, then added, "Thank you for taking care of me for such a long time before."

Hu Bugui clenched his teeth, suddenly unable to speak.

After another moment, as though feeling a little awkward, hemming and hawing, Su Qing said, "Actually...what happened at the grey house, don't take it to heart. It doesn't mean anything to me, really."

As though he was afraid Hu Bugui wouldn't believe him, he continued: "Actually, you were all fulfilling your duty. And back then, I was the one who wanted to go back for Uncle Cheng. It doesn't have much to do with you. Anyway, everything was so confused, there were so many people..."

Su Qing paused once again as though considering what words to use. After a long moment, he inarticulately squeezed out the sentence, "Well...let's say to each his own destiny, life and death depend on heaven."

When he had brought the unconscious Su Qing back to the grey house and watched him go to his death, Chen Lin had concisely used the words "to each his own destiny." Around and around, and now these words had once again come out of Su Qing's mouth, but they carried an unspeakable air of ease and self-mockery, with a precise drop of petty complaint.

"Anyway, thank you very much, Captain Hu. Catch you later in the jianghu."

Then, not waiting for Hu Bugui to respond, Su Qing didn't even turn the communicator off, simply took it out of his ear and threw it out the window. He watched it bounce a few times, burst into a tiny shower of sparks, then disappear into the night.

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