Germany looked at NATO to see him lower his needle and he lowered his guard down. Poland noticed the situation and prayed NATO wouldn't mess this up. Germany stood at the end of the hall, looked at NATO with pure fear in his eyes. NATO went to him and since he didn't tug Germany or anything like that he stood calm. Germany looked up at the organization and then suddenly NATO forced the needle on Germany, making him gasp.

'NIEMCY! KURWA NATO!' Poland screamed. Germany was drifting to sleep and collapsed on to the ground, trying to stay awake. 'WHAT DID YOU DO'

'It's salt water Poland, he will be fine.'


'Salt water is faster, I take shortcuts.' He picked up the Germany who was trying to get out of his grip, since he was so tired it barely did anything and NATO easily out his hands behind his wings to keep him in place. When Germany was finally asleep he left.  'Poland this one is really weak but is fast, he will wake up soon.'

'When will he be back?'

'Eh. Hard to say.' NATO then left, leaving he Polish boiling in anger alone.

NATO placed Germany on a chair and tied him up on it to keep him in place as his magic tried to fight off the salt water. UN saw Germany and glanced at NATO.
'NATO! I told you to be nicer to the German.'
'He refused my orders and even placed a barrier between us.' NATO argued.

'France called me at first when Germany vented to her about TR. I think he has a reason to place that barrier.' UN explained, he tried to get up but a strong pain went through his back. 'AHH! Shit!' NATO gave a concerned took to UN and checked up on him.

'UN? Are you okay?'
'What was that pain on my back, it felt like I was being cut open or something.' Germany was starting to wake up, rather quickly. When he noticed that he couldn't move because of the ropes he started to struggle against them, making them slightly loose. NATO noticed and pushed Germany on the back of the chair, causing him to gasp again as air got pushed out of his lungs. 'Germany you better stay still or else I'll personally get another needle.' Germany was frozen in place from the thought of holy water being injected next.

'What do you want from m-me?' Germany stammered in pure confusion. He glanced at UN and saw the scar on his face and turned to NATO. 'Is that what you are needing me for?' Both nodded and Germany tried to break free secretly by loosening the ropes on his legs, luckily NATO nor UN noticed.

'Did you do this? What did this?' Germany tried to get closer to UN to tell better but failed miserably, NATO noticed and carried the chair to UN. Germany felt the texture of the scar and cringed.

'That's not the axis or me. I can confirm they do not leave these kind of scars. If you let me wings free I can show you what scars they leave.'

'I don't care.' NATO said, refusing to let Germany free. Germany sighed at the attempt to escape that failed again. 'Do you know WHO did it?'

'Nein.' Germany lied, he didn't want to panic them further, which meant longer stays on this cursed chair.

'Okay.' NATO was totally buying since Germany was tied up on a chair, so he can't run if he was caught lying. Gladly Germany knew psychology (took me five tries spelling that). 'Is that.. permanent or any risks?'

'Well.. I can't tell unless I use my magic? So.. can I?'

'Only for a little bit.' Germany nodded and activated his magic lightly and pressed his hand on UN's face again. 'Some invisible magic did this. Sadly this won't heal so you officially have a scar.' UN scoffed annoyed.

'You can't heal it?'
'Do I look like a healer?' Germany sassed before leaning back on his chair. NATO was annoyed by Germany's response and lifted another needle, making Germany flinch so hard that he knocked the chair over. 'I REALLY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO HEAL THAT SCAR!!' Germany claimed in defense, that one was a truth. UN picked up Germany from the chair and noticed the loose ropes and glanced at Germany who gulped a little. UN assumed Germany didn't know and let it stay like that.

1945 (Countryhumans, has Gerpol)Where stories live. Discover now