Chapter 17: Darkness Will Come

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-First Realm-

The First realm was in peace after the Iron Baron's defeat. The people of the realm started to clean up after the mess he and his dragon hunters caused. One of which was Faith. She had the duty of taking care of the many dragons they now owned including the legendary Firstbourne. Wu and the Ninja kindly sent Firstbourne along with their other dragons back to the First realm where they truly belong. Faith was currently feeding Firstbourne.

"There you go" She hummed as she stroked its head

She was interrupted where she heard a booming scream. She snapped her head around the place in an effort to locate the source of the scream until she finally found it. A little girl standing in the middle of nowhere as she stared at a horrifying black cloud which was edging closer to them. The cloud was moving closer as it grew larger without any signs of stopping. Faith instantly grabbed a near by sword and rushed over to the girl and pulled her back as a black tentacle tried to snatch her.

"Get out of here!" She yelled as she threw the child behind her

Faith attempted the slash the tentacle as the girl sprinted off into the distance. Faith's sword pierced through the cloudy tentacle without harming it what so ever. Suddenly a dark figure started to emerge through the clouds followed by another. They revealed themselves to be black beasts with small horns and long, sharp teeth. Their deadly purple eyes were glowing. One was shorter then the other with only one horn and a small knife while the other had a long black sword. Oni. They let out ear piercing shrieks as Faith charged towards them with her sword. Faith's sword clashed against an Oni's as more tentacles erupted from the clouds and clung onto anything they could find. Some managed to catch dragons and drag them into the dark cloud as more of the deformed creatures emerged from the black smoke. Faith slashed one of the Oni's hands off and watched as it dropped to the floor while purple sludge oozed out of the Oni. The beast did not even flinch and continued to hobble closer to the woman.

"What the?" Faith muttered as the Oni edged closer to her

Faith rammed her blade into the Oni's chest and saw more purple liquid pour out as the monster let out another scream. Faith reached for her pocket and pulled out a pocket knife before proceeding to stab it through the Oni's head. Even more purple blood erupted out of the Oni with most of it splashing onto Faith's face. The Oni slumped to the ground and though still alive, it didn't move. She took her chance and ran away from the ever nearing cloud. When she made it to Firstbourne she took a moment to gaze across her land. Many of her finest were attempting to fight back against the cloud and failed. A tentacle would grab them and lead them into the cloud while the Oni killed others. Dragons were screaming in distress as they were pulled onto the dark smoke. After spending ages on rebuilding her land it was in yet again ruins. The cloud spread across the land as more Oni appeared and killed anyone and anything in sight. Faith watched as another figure appeared from the cloud. It was an Oni but was different. It was much larger then the others and had super long horns and massive sharp fangs that looked like they could tear through metal like paper. It had black bulky armour and was gripping onto a dark purple, vine like staff. It's large purple eyes gleamed through the darkness as it stormed out of the shadows. It was wearing a long black cape which carelessly dragged across the ground. It had multiple rips and tears on it. The staff had a blue gem on the bottom of it...Omega, king of the Oni.

"Oh no" Faith grumbled as she took a step back even though the Omega wasn't that close to her

Another figure appeared behind Omega. It was larger then most Oni but was nowhere near as big as the King. It too had a long black cape that dragged across the floor but had no rips or tears. It had small horns and quite sharp fangs. It held a very long black blade with a blue gem on the bottom. It had a small amount of armour but was also wearing black robes. It had no purple features but had dark blue features including its eyes. It stood next to the King of the Oni proudly and, to Faith's surprise, spoke

"You are no longer in control of this realm!" He boomed

"That right is now reserved for my Father...King Omega!" He proudly declared while bowing slightly

'He can speak full English?' Faith thought

The Omega caught sight of Faith and snarled

"Get that girl!" He ordered in a husky, cold voice

The dark blue Oni nodded and signalled towards two Oni minions

"You heard your King!" He screeched

The two Oni jumped back slightly before charging towards Faith. Faith ran straight for Firstbourne. She hopped on and yelled

"To Ninjago!"

Firstbourne leaped in the air and flew across Faith's home. The Oni Prince snarled before summoning a pair of navy blue tentacles. The tentacles darted towards Firstbourne as it glided across the air. The tentacles grabbed the dragon's feet and tried to drag it back down to the earth with struggle. The portal to Ninjago opened as Firstbourne desperately tried to escape the tentacles grasp. Suddenly a fire dragon flew towards the Oni Prince and knocked him back causing the tendrils to fade and allowing Firstbourne to dart towards the portal. Right before the dragon entered the portal a black tentacle sliced into one of Firstbourne's wings and sent it plummeting through the portal as it screamed in pain. The portal instantly faded as the Oni Prince roared in anger.

"Be quiet Son Omen...her time will come!" Omega snapped which instantly shut his Son up

"This realm is ours now...let us move on to the next" Omega continued in his usually husky voice

Prince Omen let out a low growl before bowing

"As you wish...Father"

Ninjago: Green and GoldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon