Chapter 1: Back From The Dead

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-Temple Of Resurrection-

The Temple was in ruins, destroyed after Garmadon's return. Not to long ago it was used by the Quiet One and the Sons Of Garmadon to resurrect the lord of the Darkness but what they nor anyone else realize was that they released another spirit back to this world. A spirit with a grudge. It raised it's arm from beneath the rubble then lifted its entire body up and glanced around the collapsed building.

"Where am I?" It asked itself as it walked around the temple

Its eyed glowed a golden yellow in the darkness as it stumbled around the temple trying to get its bearings.

"Last thing I remember was....." It trailed off

"HIM!" It roared as the broken pillars slightly shook from Its sudden shouting

It stormed out from the darkness and into the light, revealing a Boy that was around 17 with brown hair and eyes which faded from golden yellow to hazel brown. He was in black robes and a hood which he ripped over his head as he walked down the dark spiralling staircase. He stumbled down the stairs noting that he felt very numb, like VERY numb. He walked down and down until he hit the floor of Ninjago City...or so He thought. It looked pretty run down with big red banners of Emperor Garmadon everywhere and a massive black skyscraper in the middle of the run down City. He stumbled across an almost shattered mirror and stared blankly at what stared back at him. He looked the same but he also looked a bit...transparent. Very similar to a ghost but instead of being tinted a lime green He was tinted a golden yellow, the same as what his eyes were glowing awhile ago. He nearly screamed at the sight before him. He heard light footsteps and snapped his head around to see a Man with a black tank top with black shorts with midnight black hair and blue eyes running until he sat on a nearby bench.

"Hey you!" The spirit called but received no answer

"HEY, WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" he called even louder but still got no reply

He stormed toward the Man and stood right in front of him

"I'M TALKING TO YOU!" He angrily spat but to his surprise still got no reply 

He was about to speak again but the realization hit him that he could nor hear or see him. He smiled devilishly as a thought popped in his head. He ran into the Man on the bench and then for a split second he saw nothing. He opened his eyes and looked down to see he had just possessed the poor guy. He looked in the mirror again to see his eyes were no longer blue and were now the golden yellow colour his eyes were earlier. He grinned evilly and walked into Ninjago City muttering

"I'm coming for you, just you wait"

-Ninjago City-

He walked around the unfamiliar City which was filled with these Biker People who all seemed to have the same symbol of Emperor Garmadon as the red banners. He also swore he saw a massive stone giant which glowed purple. He didn't know what happened to Ninjago but he liked it. He stumbled to the entrance of the massive black skyscraper where two of the Biker Guys were standing along with a big grey Guy with an orange biker jacket also with the Emperor Garmadon symbol on the back.

"Oi you, what are you doing here?" The Big One snapped

"None of your business Fatty" He spat

"WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS, THROW HIM IN THE DUNGEON!" The Big One ordered the two Bikers angrily

The Guards tried to grab him but he was too quick and kicked one in the stomach, stumbling him back, and then punched the other in the face before he could react. While the Man was busy with the Bikers the Big One took his chance and grabbed him tightly. The black haired Man tried to wiggle himself free but it seemed he has lost his former strength since his return.

-Borg Tower-

The Big One held the Man tightly as he stormed through the front doors of the tower and walked down the seemingly endless hallways until he turned and walked down a spiral staircase which led them to a dungeon. The Man gulped as the Big One threw him in a cell and slammed the metal door shut and locked it.

"Enjoy your new life!" The Big One laughed manically as he looked at the Man in the cell


"Sure you will" The Big Guy chuckled

Suddenly a Woman in black cloths and red face paint with pure white hair stormed in the dungeon. She gave a sharp glare at the Big Guy

"Leave us at once, Killow" She ordered

"Yes Ma'am" He replied and walked out whistling

She turned towards the Prisoner and gave him a slight smirk

"So your the one who beat up two of our Guards, got to say I'm not impressed"

"Well, let me out and I'll show you how I normally fight" He offered

She laughed slightly

"Tempting but I think I'll just let you rot in your new cell thanks" She tapped her chin

He sharply glared at her as she skipped out of the dungeon with a wide grin on her face. Once she was gone he instantly looked for a way to escape this hell hole but had no luck. He even tried picking the lock with his finger nails but that proved utterly useless. He took the time to think about his game plan once he escaped his cell. He realized that he no longer had his magic so his first plan of action would to obviously get it back and then he would lay low and hide in the shadows until his time came and strike at the People who wronged him, starting with his Brother.  He smiled at the little plan made up in his head and whistled lightly as he sat down on his rock hard bed.



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