Chapter 2: Regrets

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Harumi ziplined down Borg Tower on top of a Building with floors upon floors of apartments as Emperor Garmadon and Skylor fought for control over the Colossus. She landed on the roof and crashed through the door and sprinted through the hallways in a desperate attempt to escape the Building. She found a fire exit and was about to run down it until she heard a scream. Not a normal scream, a scream for their Mother. It intrigued her for some reason and before she knew it she walked out of the fire escape and back into a building

'WHAT AM I DOING, I NEED TO GET OUT OF HER!' Her mind screamed as she continued to search for the source of the scream in the shaking building.

She peeked her head around a corner and saw a family of three with a Mother and Father with a Son around 6. The Parents were desperately trying to fit their Son in the crammed elevator full of people also trying to escape.


"I WANT TO STAY MAMMA!" little Harumi screamed as her Parents crammed her into the elevator.

"We'll see you when we get down, I promise" her Mother lied

The last words her Parents said to her, a lie

Flashback End

The awful memory made a small tear escape and roll down her cheek as she shook her head vigorously. Without thinking she ran up to the family and grabbed their hands

"I'll get you out...together" She exclaimed as she pulled the Child out of the elevator

"I promise"

She led them to the fire escape and got them out. She was about to leave but a chunk of rubble fell from the ceiling blocking the door. 

"GO, I'LL FIND ANOTHER WAY!" She yelled to the Mother who looked at her, terrified

The Mother smiled and nodded them ran along with her family down the stairs as Harumi sprinted back to the roof in a desperate attempt to find any other way to escape the collapsing building. She glanced around the City in havoc from the Colossus constantly being switched from who it was controlled by. With Skylor and the Resistance on a nearby building and Emperor Garmadon on his Tower. Suddenly both Garmadon and Skylor lost control and the Colossus crashed into the building Harumi was standing on. she looked down in terror at the shaking building as she felt it slowly starting to collapse. She glanced around until she locked eyes with the one and only Green Ninja.

"R...Rumi" He muttered with sadness riddled in his voice

She stared at him in fear and slight sorrow. The building started to fall as dust covered the area. She snapped her head to the edge of the building on the right where another building was next to it.

"Might as well try" She muttered under her breath and sprinted towards the edge of the Building

She leaped and closed her eyes tightly until she felt ground. She fluttered her eyes open to see that she actually made it! She had landed on what appeared to be a Market and was about to jump in joy but realized that she has seriously injured her left ankle. She groaned as she lifted herself up and hobbled down into the Market and out into the City. She hobbled for a bit until she stopped and looked around to see that Emperor Garmadon had complete control of the Colossus again. Sighing, she sat down on a bench to check the damage to her ankle and it soon became apparent that she had sprained it. She slowly closed her eyes.

-Borg Tower-

The Building crashed to the ground and large chunks of it landed into the bottom of Borg Tower. The Prisoner was woken up by this and looked around to see the dungeon was in ruins with large chunks of rubble everywhere and his cell having a large gap from the damage. Large enough for him to wiggle his way out. He managed to escape the cell and looked around

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