Chapter 14: Game Plan

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-The Monastery-

"Should of known you'd come back" Lloyd grumbled bitterly

"Oh come on cant get rid off me that easily" Lee chuckled

"What did you do with the Time blades?!" Lloyd snapped

"Me?...I haven't done anything with them" Lee dismissed with a wave of his hand

"Then where are they?" Harumi demanded

Lee shrugged and offered no reply. He slowly edged closer to the pair as his body started to glow its usual yellow colour.

"Ok Lee, this ends no-" Lloyd was cut off as Harumi slapped a hand over his mouth

"Don't..." Harumi practically hissed

"Say that...every time you do something bad happens so DON'T" Harumi pointed out as she slowly removed her hand from his mouth

Lloyd's lips moved to say something and Harumi lifted her arm again, ready in case he speaks those cursed words.

"Ok then how about...ITS OVER LEE!" Lloyd proudly declared

Harumi face palmed

"That's worse" She groaned into her hand

Lee laughed as he summoned a pair of golden daggers. Lee charged at Lloyd and tried to swipe at him but failed as Lloyd backflipped out of the way. Harumi threw a near by vase at Lee and watched as it shattered onto him. He growled as he swiftly turned to her, eyes blazing a fierce golden shade. Lloyd came up from behind and smashed a chair into Lee's back. Lee blasted Lloyd with a pulse of energy which sent Lloyd flying through a wall.

"You know what Quiet one, I'm in a good I'll offer this to you again...join me, you don't need to get caught up in THIS" Lee offered once again as he turned to the white haired girl

"Why do you keep offering me that?" She snarled as she grabbed a katana

"Because I see potential, this is between me and Lloyd but you keep getting in the way...I'm here to make sure Lloyd faces justice for his many crimes, this has nothing to do with you" Lee explained

"Your the one who should face justice, not Lloyd!" She yelled as she pointed her sharp blade towards Lee

"No one gets it" Lee muttered under his breath as he shot yellow fire towards Harumi

Harumi's eyes widened slightly as fire started to be hurled at her. She jumped to the left to avoid the burning touch of the flames. She turned towards Lee but he was gone. She narrowed her eyes as she lifted herself off the ground and held her blade firmly. Her eyes darted across the room but Lee was not in sight. Lloyd reappeared and looked at Harumi with narrowed eyes.

"Where is he?" He asked sceptically

"I don't know" She replied

Suddenly a shadow appeared behind Lloyd and gripped onto his back. Lloyd instantly reacted by grabbing the figure and slamming them onto the ground. 

"What is wrong with you?!" Garmadon yelled as he lifted himself to the ground 

"Garmadon?!" They both yelled in unison

"No the tooth fairy, WHO THE HELL YOU YOU THINK I AM!" He yelled in an irritated voice

"Where did you go?" Harumi questioned, lowing her katana slightly

"I managed to fight off Lee's goons and that pathetic snake but then there was some kind of explosion and looked out the window to see yellow smoke coving the City, I went to investigate and found out that the whole City his been corrupted but I made a discovery, Lee can use his powers to turn them back" The pair blinked as Garmadon finished his speech

Ninjago: Green and GoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora