Chapter 12: Out Of Time (Part 1)

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-Ninjago City-

"This doesn't look good" Garmadon muttered under his breath

He backed away slightly as the L.E.G.I.O.N edged closer to the building Garmadon was standing on.

"What's the matter Dad, scared?" Lee asked mockingly

Garmadon growled and pounced at Lee. He summoned destruction blades and swiped them at the brown haired boy who dodged them with ease. Lee grabbed his own golden daggers and clashed them against Garmadon's. The L.E.G.I.O.N punched into the building making it shake uncontrollably. Lee was about to make his exit until Garmadon grabbed him and tackled Lee to the ground.

"Let go of me or I will tear your skin from your body!" Lee threatened

"Its the fight that fuels me!" Garmadon shot back

"And its the HATRED that fuels me!" Lee shouted as a wave of golden energy erupted from his body, sending Garmadon flying to the other side of the building.

Lee stumbled to the ground as the L.E.G.I.O.N smashed it's fist into the building again. The ground shook uncontrollably for a few moments until it suddenly stopped. Lloyd glanced at Lee's direction and saw the massive beast behind him and froze. He lightly tapped Harumi, who was next to him, and as she turned around she dropped her weapon in shock. The 3 corrupted Ninja started laughing. Lee saw Lloyd's mortified face and grinned from ear to ear. A split second later Lee appeared next to Lloyd and grabbed him. Lloyd blinked and the next thing he knew he was in a black void, Lee nowhere to be seen. Lloyd looked around in confusion until he noticed a bright yellow glow appear on his left. Lloyd mindlessly followed the light until he was engulfed in it and appeared on the L.E.G.I.O.N. Lee pounced on Lloyd's back and electrocuted him. Lloyd groaned as he fell off the beast and landed back on the roof, unharmed. Now there were 10 Lee's around him in a circle, laughing in a tone which sent shivers down the Green Ninja's spine. Lloyd shook his head and awoke to see Lee in front of him. He punched Lee in the face and walked over to him as Lee spat out blood.

"Well, well, well...I didn't expect you to snap out of my trace that quickly" Lee commented, chuckling madly

"I'm done playing games Lee...this ends now" Lloyd spat as Lee's grin somehow grew larger

"You know...every time you say that its like a say 'this ends now' and I win as always" Lee laughed manically as Lloyd glared deeply

"This is all a game to you" Lloyd muttered

"You don't care about the lives of anyone...not even yourself...all you want is to torture me" Lloyd shook his head

"Now your getting it...I had my chance at life and that ended, I was gifted with a second chance...I will use this chance to torture the one responsible for my death even if it costs me MY life" Lee expressed

"Your a were gifted with a second chance and you blow it, clouded by vengeance"

"You call it foolish, I call it JUSTICE!" Lee shouted

"Look around you Lloyd, the L.E.G.I.O.N is destroying the place you love, your little girlfriend is fighting your friends who now work for me and your Father is working with you because HE wants to rule Ninjago...this is a nightmare to you...I am your nightmare...I am the embodiment of your trauma, your regret, your guilt...your failure" Lee carefully explained as Lloyd backed away from him

"I'm too strong, too powerful...Lloyd, cant you see that you have no chance of winning?" Lee asked

"You killed Mother, you destroyed the City, you turned my friends, my FAMILIY against me...people who do that, people like you don't get to win" Lloyd spat as he grabbed his sword

Ninjago: Green and GoldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon