29|| He knows

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I was still trying to keep my eyes open after my expedition and despite the fact that the sun had barely risen, I felt the strong urge to drown myself in some top-shelf liquor.

Tequila to be precise and there wasn't an ounce of me which felt guilty.

Malachi's message left me full of awe but I couldn't find the right words to text him back so till now, he's still on read.

I abandoned my luggage and phone a few minutes ago at the front door not giving two shits about what anyone who saw it may say and made my way to dad's personal bar as I rummaged through the drinks which sat neatly on their shelves. My nails run accross each label on each bottle and a frown fell upon my face.

A part of me wants to drown in all this liquor and just forget about everything that have happened these past few hours and another part of me wants to neglect this and just close my eyes on that bed upstairs and sleep, it's like that devil and angel thing people keep going on about. I'm in a dilemma where I honestly don't want to think about the consequences so I do the one thing I purpose to do.

I mischievously snatch a bottle of 1942 scotch from a shelf, find myself a tumbler and pour a whole glass. The stench was ridiculously vile and the moment the liquid hit my tongue I felt like spitting it out but I quickly brushed that thought to the side and drowned the whole glass.

My chest started to burn and my eyes started the water but until I was totally numb I wasn't going to stop. I kept refilling every glass until I actually started crying and for the first time I didn't know why I was.

As my vision started to go blur, I emptied the last bit of liquid into my glass and prayed that dad had a replacement. The way I started to see things looked fuzzy and funny and with the lights so dim due to the time of the day I couldn't really tell what was what. I started to slouch on the floor beneath me with my glass in hand and started to laugh.

Probably the fact that I successfully made it back home without anyone in my back seemed funny or the fact that my family has been fooled by mother who has probably been cheating on her husband for a while now but the recent events of the Manor household seemed to crack me up.

Out of nowhere, the lights flashed on and a heard myself shriek at the blinding effect it had on me but when a figure screamed back it was official : I'm intoxicated, blinded by this beautiful light and probably in deep shit...deep deep shit.


I woke up on a soft soft mattress, one so soft I nearly forgot about the effects of boozing. With the remaining energy in me I sat up to view my surroundings but the moment I started seeing black spots in my vision I knew I fucked up.

On the bedstead there was a glass of water and a note:

"If you're reading this... hope you're dead because you will be. Dad's pissed, I'm at a meeting and the reason why you're home leaves me baffled. I'll be home soon."

"PS: The water has a dose of painkillers."

~Your favourite sibling.

After reading that I rolled my eyes, embraced the bitter taste of the mixture left for me and flopped back onto the bed. Indeed, I was dead if not already dead and the thought of my father just made my headache worse.

Considering the fact that I couldn't remember shit, I would assume I feel asleep again until i opened my eyes again and realised no matter how much I tried to sleep this off, the consequences of my actions were not something I could run away from. I came here to face my problems head-on so I suppose that's exactly what I was going to do. Indeed, my vision was blurred and my mind was seeing things in multiple dimensions and shapes but the walk to my bedroom after freshening up in Liam's bathroom proved to be a great task.

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