23|| You

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A/N: Remeber to leave your comments! I'd love to know what you think x



2: 01pm

and counting, I'd been staring at Malachi for a good matter of minutes as he stood in a well fitted Nike sports wear infront of probably three or more high tech cameras being taken pictures.

Everything looked so damn professional. There was an editor right behind his computer, flashes going on and off and that mesmerising white background.

The pictures were going to be good...I must admit.

Apparently, he's currently signed as an ambassador for many sports brands. No wanted he always shows off his sneakers when school isn't in session or those times we had physical education class.

I'd always admired those but I'm more of a heel person. If not heels, flats and that's it.

I just can't.

"Miss, you okay?" Someone questioned, snapping me out of my inner monologue. "Y-yeah! Peachy. Is everything okay?"

"Of course. Just wanted to find out if you'd want to take a few shots with Kai. You'd look excellent in the upcoming Nike posters."

"Oh I-

"Say yes, Lilac. You'd look stunning." Malachi shouted, from the front of the room earning him a scowl from one of the camera men who muttered something along the lines of 'you're ruining the pose.'

"No wa-

"Ahh look who we have here!" Another voice exclaimed, practically appearing out of nowhere. I couldn't help but notice his thick Scottish accent.

"It is she! Zee Lilac Madeline Manor!" The person shrieked, walking into the room so his face was more visible.

"Ah, my sweet, do us a favour and take a few pictures....it shouldn't be long now, would it?" He asked, looking at the crew before him for a response as they all shook their head in fear.

"I'll send a few hundred dollars into your account if that would do."

"Oh no- I don't need the money." I told him, honestly speaking.

"Good good, then head over to the changing room and look for your size...and outfit should do."

"But I'm not her-

Unfortunately, before I could finish my sentence, I was being dragged by a lady into a different room when I briefly caught an apologetic smile from Malachi as he was still posing for pictures.

Let's not forget the grumpy photographer who sent him a death glare.

"Okay, so here's the top section; she pointed to a top rail, on your left we have the biker shorts, there are the pants and over there we have the bras. I'll be right outside if you need anything."

I so don't want to do this. I'm trying to stay low for goodness sake. I'd had all my social media accounts gone private and I'd stopped updating them regularly. All that I post now are two line motivational quotes and sunset pictures.

Hey, for all you know, it's probably helping someone somewhere.

But I guess I didn't really have a choice in this.

"And the shoes?"

"Oh yeah- she blurted out smacking her forehead automatically making me cringe. "-right here." she points to a rack which was packed with classy sneakers which I'm a hundred percent positive would cost a few arms and legs.

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