1|| The end of the beginning

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"I keep snakes away unless they are Gucci."
-Lilac Manor

"You guys really need to sort out your priorities." I moaned literally drained from all the bragging and complains I've listed to while sipping a glass of $300 champagne.

We were in Barcelona. Being more specific, the only five star hotel that was available which overlooked the beautiful blue Mediterranean Sea. It was breathtaking. Mouthwatering actually, when the sun was about to set or rise and we got to see it first hand since we were at the uppermost room of the hotel.

With our headswrapped with a fine white towel and our faces covered with avocado and egg masks, we were more than ready to admire our new looks.

"Get a grip Carrie, we'll wipe them off in a bit." Tyra said while overlooking the sea's horizon and holding her glass of champagne clearly directing her sentence to Carrie who was gently slapping her face indicating the mask was itchy.

Tyra and Carrie, my soulmates, or should I say my ride or dies. Yh, they're my everything. To top it off, we're known everywhere in America because of how influential our parents are.

Tyra's parents owned a private jet service which gained them billions every year and gave us trio the opportunity to travel around the world with nothing more than the need of a passport to get through airport security.

She was a goddess of dark brown hair which was always let down dead straight and lovely natural tanned colour skin.

Carrie on the other hand was as I'd like to say "modern day Cinderella." She had bright blue eyes and straight blond hair which smelt like lavender and always kept in a messy bun. She was actually known for her looks in every modelling agency you go to not to mention the fact she was the girlfriend of Dean Woods, a famous singer.

For the sake of the influence Dean has in almost every country we don't really pay when we go to concerts. Well actually, we don't pay at all.

Then there's lil ol'me. Lilac Manor known in every state of America with over a hundred  hundred thousand followers on all my social media accounts. Unlike the others, I had to work to be where I am today. My parents were very influential as well owning mindblowing companies around the globe but never made me live solemnly off them.

I took up modelling for a few years then started my own cosmetic company - Lilac Cosmetics run by my mum.

"So what's happening after Summer?" I asked the two.

I noticed Carrie looked away while Tyra came over from the balcony's to sit down.

"What did you want to happen?" Tyra asked me while sipping her drink once more. Did I mention she was badass?

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm off to boarding school. Daddy thinks I'm too..what's the word? Ah yes, "distracting." I said airquoting my last word.

"Carrie?" Trya looked in her direction.

"Oh erm, well..." Carrie was playing with her fingers.

"The f*ck Caroline Devote!" We both screamed literally holding our heads.

"I wanted to tell you, I really did. I just didn't know how to. Please don't be p*ssed at me."

Dear sweet Carrie here was supposedly engaged. Yhup that's right. She had an engagement ring on all this time and we couldn't tell. I mean, even if we saw it we couldn't tell since we always wear random rings. Some from Gucci others from Versace and other places.

"Baby girl, we're so happy for you!" Trya exclaimed. "This is amazing!" I continued. "-but Carrie? Are you ready to be a wife?"

She looked at me then back at the ring carefully tracing the diamonds on it. F*ck real live diamonds.

The President's SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora