11|| The start of mysteries

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"What do you mean by you can't tell?" I asked Tyra, practically speaking a little bit too loud at this point.

"It's complicated." She told me, wiping the tears off her check with her thumb.

"Can we just go back to normal? Forget this happened?"

"Sure." I told her and she walked off towards the staircase.


I know at times like these this is the moment where the bestfriend acts up all worried and p*used off, don't get me wrong, I was but I decided to give Tyra some time to relax herself mentally.

As I walked back into the swimming class, surprisingly, all eyes were on me.


"Can y'all just look the f*ck away for once?!" I shouted at them before walking to the back of the class.

"That was s*xy." A voice said.

"You are?" I asked. Forgive me, I'm not this mean, I'm just so not in the mood to hold a conversation.

"Zara." She said, taking out a hand for me to shake so I mirrored the action.

"You know Zion's been staring at you right?"

"Zi-" Shit. The idiot. I remember it like yesterday when he supposedly convinced me into drinking and left me unconscious. Not that he was any sober than I was but you get the point.

"Zion!" I shouted from the other side of the pool. "Come!"

For a moment he stopped his conversation and looked up to me with his arms crossed over his black t-shirt.

He walked over to me at the other side of the pool and tried small talking.

"Bro, cut it! What happened to you after the party?"

"What party?" He asked acting oblivious.

Was he kidding? That party trended in Rosewood High for over a week and yes, they didn't forget the part where I collapsed in the middle of the room.

Not one of my proudest moments.

"You really don't remember?"

"He doesn't remember sh*t unless it's his body count, the number of girls he laid in a month or the password for his phone. " Zara chipped in. "He sometimes doesn't even remember me." She added as she slapped the back of his head pretty hard.

"Shouldn't you be swimming Zara?" He asked her with a stern tone.

And that was when I saw it, the resemblance. They both had brown hair and beady eyes with this to die for tanned skin tone. They were siblings if not twins.

"You guys are related aren't you?"

"Unfortunately." They both mumbled in unison.

"Have a few computers to hack." Zara chipped in "catch ya later." she said, before walking off as if this was all just a dream.

"Is she-

"Best hacker under 18." Zion said proudly as he watched his sister walk away.

"Look, I'm sorry about the last time, it was stupid of me to get you drunk."

"You didn't force me, I'm almost eighteen." I told him.

"Guess you're right."

"See you tomorrow?" He asked.


And just like that, the boring swimming lesson gradually came to an end giving us the blessing to retire to our respective rooms for the night.

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