3|| Rosewood High

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"There is no competition because no one can be me."
-Lilac Manor

It was starting to get dark when we got close to a grand driveway. I woke up to find daddy sleeping beside me and I giggled at that. He's rarely caught sleeping. Well...not by me anyway.


"Wha-ehere? Oh, we're here he said sitting up straight and putting on his sunglasses probably to hide the fact he was dying of fatigue.

The grand gates automatically opened and we entered Rosewood High. It was beautiful. Students sitting on the turf, teachers and staff walking around, a lovely fountain with benches and a lovely garden with my favourite flower - Lilac.

As soon as the car reached the administration office a young man carry my luggage out the car taking my name then just like that, he was gone.

Dad held my hand and I saw a group of girls snickering at us but I didn't really mind since I'd choose my dad over them anyday.

"Lord!" a plumpish woman exclaimed walking over to my father and I from behind her table. Holding some papers and gave me an impromptu hug.

"It's a delight to have you here Miss Manor." She said to me wiping the side of her lips. "Oh and you too Sir." She said curtsying to my father. "Please, please sit."

As father and I took our seats in front of her desk, she walked over to a large vault, turned the knob a few times and opened it taking out a folder.

"You have quite an outstanding performance from your previous school Miss Ma-

"Lilac." I interrupted her before she could finish. "Very well lilac." The woman said intentionally emphasising my name in her statement. "You'll be assigned to Turtle Cove." She said handing my father my folder. "Chicken what?" I spat.

"Er...no. Turtle Cove." She said once more. "I'm Ursela she said holding out a hand for my father to shake but he just nodded and continued searching through my folder scanning through some documents.

"Her schedule?" He finally spoke. "My apologies Mr. Manor." Ursela said handing me a paper and a key with note 'Turtle Cove RB7' probably Room B7? Yeah.

Over the next hour, we discussed my stay here and Ursela managed to get a glimpse into my life by asking my dad some questions. Then taking a lipgloss tube of Lilac Cosmetics out of her bag then twirling it between her fingers to catch my attention. Pathetic.

"I should get going now darling." Dad whisper into my ear as Ursela kept going on and on about her vacation in Korea. I simply nodded in agreement and he gave me a peck on my cheek. "Remember what I said about those lips." He smirked before leaving.

"I should get going Miss Ursela." I told her after sitting in her office for another hour. "Should get a good night sleep don't you think."

For minute she scanned me before agreeing.

As I walked out of her office, I noticed the sun had already set before I checked my phone to see the time. "10PM!" I exclaimed gaining the attention of a few people. I put my phone back into my handbag and looked for Turtle Cove on my map.

Dove cove, Lion cove, Reindeer cove... hold on, what was this? A zoo? I finally stumbled across a huge building probably three floors with the words 'TURTLE COVE' written boldly on top.

It was a really modern building to be honest. It had latge glass windows and pretty decent balconies on each side decorated with a few pots and plants.

I pushed the double glass door open and walked into a common room. Suddenly, all attention was on me. Lilac Manor I heard some groups whisper. I just looked around and made my way to the nearest staircase with the sign of a female...probably the girl's dorms I supposed.

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