// Twenty Four || Salvage \\

38 1 0

||Washington, D.C
||2016, February 13, 21:51 EST

Three years ago, Wally managed to convince me to leave the Justice League behind. We both decided to try and have normal lives where we didn't have to worry about danger lurking around every corner. I still hung out with them every now and then, even with life as busy as it was. There were still moments I wasn't around for, but I didn't need to worry because Dick kept me well informed on all the gossip.

Megan and Conner broke up due to Megan's supposed lack of respect for privacy. Artemis gave up being a hero, wanting to try being a normal person. Dick gave up being Robin somewhere along the way, creating his new identity Nightwing. Kaldur, after losing Tula — the object of his affections — had gone back to Atlantis to aid Aquaman. Finally, there was Roy, who had apparently gone off the deep end, which brings us to where we are today.

"There's something wrong with Roy," Wally explained, not getting into much detail as he led me towards a zeta tube.

"Aside from his normal bad attitude?" I grumbled, not caring to hear about my former teammate.

"You both have a bad attitude."


"He's not wrong," Natasha agrees.

"If you have nothing nice to add, don't say anything at all," I thought, not wanting Wally to know what the voice had said.

While I was distracted by the voice in my head a jacket was tossed on my head. I lifted it off of my head and shook out my now messy hair, glaring over at Wally.

"It's cold out there."

"Gee, thanks," I grumbled, slipping on the coat.

"You're welcome," he says with a smile.

We met up with a group of others. Nightwing, Black Canary, Green Arrow and Jim Harper. Jim was a clone of the real Roy, he had also formerly been the head of security at Cadmus as Guardian, a title that he's since moved on from.

I followed them up to a rooftop, all of us hidden in the shadows while we waited for Roy to appear. He slid down a rope, stumbling when he landed on the roof. Green Arrow was the first to approach him. While he did the rest of us stepped out of the shadows.

"Hey, Roy, need a hand?"

"No," Red Arrow said, slapping his hand away and standing up himself. His eyes stopped on me, his eyes narrowing menacingly. "What are you doing here?"

I shrugged, not intimidated by the look. "Moral support? I didn't choose to come."

"You're the only one who's got some sense," he scoffed. "Because I don't need help."

"We think you do," Nightwing said.

"I have nothing to say to any of you. Nothing to explain, nothing to justify."

Green Arrow pulled out the was of cash Red Arrow had tucked in his belt as he tried to walk away. "Nothing?"

"It's not what it looks like," he said a bit hesitantly. "I mean, that store owner won't miss it, he offered me a reward anyway. Besides, I deserve it. Guy wouldn't have any of his money back if I hadn't stepped in."

"Dude, are you even listening to yourself?" Wally asks.

"Look, I need it. I need it to find Speedy, the real Roy Harper. A search like that is expensive, especially when the rest of you have all given up."

My eyes widened, a light — "oh" — escaping my mouth as I started to realize what was going to happen next. Roy would find the real Roy, I was willing to bet on that fact just based off of the fact I didn't believe in coincidence. This wouldn't be happening now unless that were the case.

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