4. The One That Got Away

Start from the beginning

   "Did you feel that?" She's looking at our hands, still close, and her breathing noticeably shortens. "That spark?"

   "Looks like we've still got some chemistry." I give her a smile as she looks up, and that makes her blush. It's been a long time since I've seen her blush like that.

   "I didn't think..." She rubs the back of her neck. "After what happened when we broke up..."

   "Hey, look. That's all in the past, okay? We've moved on." I shrug. "Besides, I don't think it was either of our proudest moments."

   "You can say that again." She rakes one hand through her hair, with a heavy exhale.

   "You okay?" I ask after a long silence.

   That time, when she meets my eyes, she holds them and doesn't look away. "You're the first person to ask me that in seven years."

   I don't reply. It hadn't been easy for her after her parents died, and that wasn't helped by the fact that the guy who killed them also happened to be my dad. I remembered the way she acted in high school, and I know why, because it's the same reason I was such a jerk too. We were both hiding pain, but unable to express it in another way.

   "I'm miserable, to tell you the truth." She leans back against the doorjamb, and her eyes drift away again. "Not because I'm forcing my good side or anything. I'm just...I keep thinking of how I failed to avenge my parents' death because I thought I was invincible. My pride got the better of me. And then I took that out on people who didn't deserve it."

   "We've all made mistakes because of pride, Kaelie." I mirror her pose. "I don't like the way I am when Zach's around in front of Sarah, but that's the way things turned out."

   "At least you can fix that. I think there's something broken about my mistake."


   "I should go," she says quickly, straightening. "I just need to..."

   I push myself away from the doorjamb at the same time, and we bump into each other. Both her hands flatten on my chest to catch herself, looking up and opening her mouth to say something. I don't know what comes over me, but it makes me lean down and press my mouth against hers. Her resistance breaks down and her hands fist in my shirt, pulling me close as she responds. This was what I missed about our relationship. The way she kissed me was unbelievable. It blew my mind every time.

   Then suddenly, she yanks herself away, breathing hard.

   "I really should..." She glances around, like she's scouting out an escape route. "I should go. I mean it this time."

   "Wait, Kaelie, I..."

   But she's gone already. I pound my fist into my forehead, already regretting what just happened. I go and reprimand Zach for flirting with Sarah, and then I turn right around and kiss my ex? How am I going to explain that?



I get a surprise visit from the super trio that weekend. We're working on our homework in the student lounge when suddenly Mimi squeals "Is that Blue Bolt?"

   I glance up and see them lined up outside, like a real-life Justice League. I get up and follow Mimi, already ahead of me by half a second, and catch up to her just as she's asking Blue Bolt for his autograph. Obligingly, he gives it to her. She hugs him and then runs off to show her roommate, who was also sitting with us.

   "Hey, so..." I look at all of them in turn, and even though I can't see Sunburst's eyes, I can feel him looking back at me. "What's going on? You guys are never up here unless it's serious."

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