Chapter 38

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"Al-aric Saltzman," the man with black hair slurred, seeing his soon-to-be brother in-law.


"Let's get it over with," Klaus stated, approaching the barrier. He was ready for Freya to set it down so he could catch the young boy and feed him to his dying wife.

"Get what over with?" Kai asked. He grinned at Bonnie.

"We want your blood," she said. "You're a heretic and our friend... as a vampire who's been harassed by a witch."

"She's been possessed," Klaus clarified. "As my blood heals a werewolf bite to a vampire, yours will heal a powerful hex."

"You're the hybrid," Kai said, laughing. "I've heard of you. I'm sure it was from Caroline."

"Good. Then you know what I'm capable of."

"Do you know what I'm capable of?" he asked maliciously. He took a step forward to meet the hybrid in the face and he smirked, kneeling, to siphon the magic of the barrier. Freya was about to cast a spell but she was thrown against the wall along with Vincent.

Klaus's eyebrow twitched and he went in, barring his teeth and glaring his amber eyes, before biting the wicked witch. Blood gushed down Kai's neck and on Klaus's chin as he spat out the big chunk of skin.

"That's a nasty one," Kai sighed. "How am I supposed to give you blood if it's poisonous?"

"Healing you would be easier than your compliance," Klaus said.

"Then I don't want to help," he replied after draining the magic of the bite. He lightly grinned before disappearing.

"I knew something like this was going to happen!" Alaric shouted. "He's an untrustworthy sociopath that you've just let out! He'll come back for me, my family, and the rest of us!"

"I can find him with his blood," Bonnie said, already drawing the drips in the grass.

"Not unless he's shielded himself," Freya stated. She turned her head when she saw her brother's contouring body reform and tear his clothes as he shifted into a wolf. He sniffed the blood Bonnie had collected and his eyes flashed as he went out in the direction Kai had went.

Elijah was about follow so he wouldn't tear the boy apart but then, Amelia called for him. He eyed Hayley to go along as he turned to the frail Original and he carried her back to her room. When he was about to leave, she grabbed his hand and he faced her.

"I need to tell you something," she wheezed and he became attentive. "I don't want you to get mad, not even at Niklaus."

"Ah, yes, another one of your numerous secrets."

"He killed Esther the first time," she breathed. "After we became vampires, he told me that she was going to pay for what she did, even with his father."

"Amelia," he began, sitting on the edge, "Esther was a terrible woman and mother." He took a pause and patted her hand: "I'm glad she was dead, and I'm glad she'll stay dead."

She couldn't help but laugh and he made a smile. "You and Hayley... how wonderful."

"I'll see you soon," he said. He stood and bent over to kiss her forehead before retreating out of the room.

Amelia wheezed and her eyes rolled back and she fell unconscious, her mind barely hanging onto to life so she dove into her memories. It seemed as if a vampire was playing mind tricks on her since the first thing she saw was what she loved the most: her family. In her dreams, she saw her brother Isaac; her father, Maxim; and her dearest mother, Eudoria.

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