Chapter 29

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"Your psychotic girlfriend went around drinking people's blood, including mine!" Marcel began furiously. "Give her your blood so we can be out of her torment. I know that she can withstand it but the city can't last a day let alone five."

"You have vampires around the place, find her," Klaus said nonchalantly, his legs propped up on a table. "It seems that it's your problem."

"My vampires are not that old to go against her," he claimed. "Besides, how are we supposed to have a kingdom if there's no one else to rule!"

"I'll look for her," Hayley spoke. "It's the least I can do since I bit her."

"No, you will not," Elijah dejected. "Leave it to me."


"She's two thousand years old," he cut her off. "I've snapped her neck once, and I won't be shy to do it again."

"Ugh! Fine, I'll go," Klaus rolled his eyes. "Kol, you're coming too, she wanted you in the first place."

"That's because I'm special," he sang, grabbing an apple. "Are you coming Finn? Bex? This is our dearest, Melee we're talking about. The one who eats vervain for fun."

"And the one who chased us down for a thousand years," Rebekah slyly commented. She took a seat and crossed her legs, "I'll stay here."

"I suppose I'll go," Finn said, and all of them left the courtyard.

"How they go running to her," Rebekah said.

"I think it's sweet," Hayley smiled and the blonde glared at her.


There was a bright light beaming on Amelia's face. It was hazy because her freezing temperatures were climbing into the positives from her fever. She wheezed, leaning her head to the side to relax on her hanging arm. Her knees were hardly touching the floor as she weakly swung from the chains that stretched her arms out.

With a deep breath, she wrapped her hand around the shackles and pulled but she was too weak. Her head rolled to the front and her sweat splashed in the wet floors. She then heard footsteps splashing in water approach her and a steel door opened before she saw the boots in front of her.

"You were bit by a werewolf," the woman said, her voice calm and sedating.

"A-a hybrid," Amelia faltered. "I was bit by a hybrid."

"Of course," she nodded. "The mother of that child, correct?"


"You're under a blue camomile potion, so you will speak the truth."

"Have at it."

"My name is Freya."

Amelia immediately pulled her head back to look intently at the blonde. Even in her derangement, the name was clear to her; but, she lightly chuckled and blamed it on the venom.

"Freya," she laughed.

"It rings a bell, doesn't it?" Freya continued. "When I was casting my spells, the old language seemed familiar."

"Yes... Odin," she beamed.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I do," Amelia said. "Your-your..." She was trying to repress the charm because Esther specifically told her not to tell anyone her secret. But after one of the wretched witch's secret came out about Amelia's mother, there was no reason to hide anything anymore. "You're Esther's firstborn, Freya, who was given to her sister for the gift to bear more children. Maybe if she killed my mother earlier, she would've been able to bless herself."

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