Chapter 21

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"You know, I always thought Amelia spent too much time with Mother and I was jealous of that, but my own brother doing something like that? How conniving," Kol spat.

"It is," Elijah agreed. "Amelia, do you know the preparations for the ritual?"

"No," she solemnly said.

"What is your problem?" Rebekah snapped. "We're all going to die, including Nik, and you're here sulking."

"Esther killed my mother," Amelia finally told them, walking towards the bed in her loft. "And, she said I wouldn't die as early as you."

"I'm sorry," Elijah said. "May I ask why? Her and Eudoria were close."

"She drained her dry of her powers," Amelia confessed. "My mother was a witch." She slumped into the bed and held her face in her palms. "I wish I didn't know. The woman who took care of me after is also her murderer." She laughed: "Your mother is crazy."

"Then we must stop her," Klaus finally spoke. "Kill her, possibly."

"Mother?" Rebekah asked. "We just got her back."

"She's been dead for a thousand years, there won't be a difference. Weren't you the one just exclaiming that we're going to die?"

Rebekah fell silent before storming out of the room and Kol followed. Elijah explained that he had problems of his own to go deal with, leaving Amelia and Klaus alone.

"I assume we're not going anywhere," the hybrid said lightheartedly and she shook her head. "She just had to ruin the fun."

"Maybe when you're human or in a witch's body... oh never mind, I want to be with you in your real form," she sighed.

He leaned forward to hold her cheek: "If anything happens-"

"Nothing will happen," she cut him off. "The same way you'd burn the world for me is the same way I'd do for you." Her twinkling eyes faded when he groaned and she saw the spot of blood form on his stomach. "Klaus!"

"It's fine," he muttered after stumbling backward. He touched the spot of blood that quickly healed and looked at her with wide eyes. "The bind must be done."

"There's a full moon tonight; the best time to cast a spell."

"It would be rather difficult if her magic is still small."

"She could channel from another supernatural being," Amelia thought. Her mouth hung open and she muttered, "The Bennett witches," and started heading out of the door with the phone up to her ear.


"We can't control how Esther draws from our line," Bonnie explained as Amelia paced the old Bennett manor that reeked of dead people. "As long as we're alive, she can use as much as possible."

"So just kill the useless one," Klaus stated, looking at Abby.


"We're not doing that," Amelia assured everyone. "Remember that she was the one that put Mikael down for a while." She paused for a moment and looked at the mother and daughter: "It's up to you."

Bonnie glanced at Klaus and he sighed, leaving the house to attend his funeral where Esther was preparing the ritual. Finn was with her and he would be the one to die, killing the rest of them and their entire sire line.

"Haven't the Mikaelsons done enough?" Bonnie asked. "Vampires, in general, too. I don't care if Stefan and Damon die, at least Caroline would be fine."

"Only for however long Esther wishes," Amelia told her. "My life is on the line as well... but in the future, she plans on killing me too."

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