Chapter 33

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"I'll do it," Camille agreed. She had woken up and was in the last step of becoming a vampire. It was either she drank human blood or she would die. "I'll do it."

Amelia handed her the blood bag which she hesitated in taking and she placed the straw to her lips before taking one gulp. With one look at her, Amelia knew that it was satisfying but it later become disgusting.

"I made this for you," Freya grimly smiled. "I had a feeling you'd turn." The witch handed the blonde a silver-banded ring with a green stone that matched her eyes. With that, she had also given her necklace in case she wanted to change it.

Amelia then touched her hand realized she never retreated her daylight ring after she became an Original. Although it was useless, it was still a piece of her.

"I will teach you how to be a vampire," Amelia began. "I taught my first who taught another and you will be gifted in learning it from me."

"Let's not forget who your sire was," Marcel stated. "You won't be near her, you've done enough. All this nonsense is because of you. You too, Klaus."

Amelia stood there, stunned, and was about watch him take her away when she added, "Mikael left a print on me and it affects my entire line even if he is dead. We are vampires who drink vampire blood. Don't be surprised when Camille drinks from your neck." Marcel glared at her and continued to leave with the newborn right after him.

"Now we really have to get rid of them," Klaus muttered.

"The only way we can do that is together," Amelia said. "They're working side by side, might as well us, right?"

"I suppose," he lowered his head, agreeing. He set out his hand and she took it to shake but instead, he raised it to kiss her knuckles.

She slowly drew it away and cleared her throat, "Where do we start?"

"By taking a walk in the park." He lent out his arm in which she held onto and they vamped to the most populous part of the city where the fountain changed its water pressure.

"How do you know they're near?" she asked.

"Just act normal."

She smiled and placed her other hand on his arm and even proceeded to place her head on his shoulder. As they walked some, they felt for the slightest moment that everything was normal. This was part of his numerous plans he had mentioned especially taking her around the world.

Amelia, however, was relishing in this peace. Her smile was genuine and her hold onto him was generated by pure comfort. He then pulled away and for a second, she thought that one of them were around but instead, he splashed water at her. With he strength, they felt like bullets against her skin and she squealed.

"Klaus!" she exclaimed, but she couldn't help but laugh. "Seriously?!"

"Sorry, love, I couldn't help it," he shrugged, expressing a chuckle.

For payback, she flicked water at him and immediately pranced away, hoping he wouldn't catch her but he did. He later found a frisbee from one of the commoners and they began throwing at each other. Either of them could have thrown out for miles but they were in the midst of humans so they had to act like it.

Amelia was still spiteful from the water trick, so she threw the toy hard and when he caught it, he drifted backward. He smirked and chucked the flying disk harder than she had and she ducked before it hit her. When she turned, she saw that it had lodged into a tree.

All she could do was giggle as he grabbed her hand and started running away from the vandalism. They sat at the ledge of the fountain where she sipped a cup of tea. Normalcy had gotten a hold of him and he irrationally tucked her hair behind her ear.

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