Chapter 15

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"Amelia, what is this Caroline creature I've brought along?" Mikael asked in a smug tone. He pushed the blonde to the side, causing Amelia to stand in her defense.

"Another vampire hunter," she replied, watching as he paced around her loft. "She didn't want to die and she decided to complete the transition, with the consequences."

His blue eyes narrowed and he smirked, content or at least understanding, and dragged his hand upon the dusty counter. "It smells like Niklaus. Has he been here?"

"A few times," she stated. "But I can't kill him because I don't have that." She pointed at his chest and he opened his jacket to reveal the white oak stake hidden in the pocket.

"She failed to mention that she was bitten by a werewolf and Klaus's blood is the only one that could heal her," Caroline admitted and she threw a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry."

"Don't mention it," Amelia assured her. "But yes, that happened."

"I'm glad that your girlfriend resurrected me," Mikael said. "After a thousand years, I can finally put that bastard down."

"He's at a party," Caroline spoke against her will. Even though she had vervain in her system, her young mind was unable to resist to the powers of the sire bond. "It's homecoming— I'm supposed to be there— but there's an after party at the Lockwood Mansion."

"Then we'll be there." He gestured to follow as his bodyguards and the two pursued him.

"Girlfriend?" Caroline whispered.

"Katerina," she answered and the blonde's eyes enlarged. Amelia then shook her head that there was nothing going on between them but she was still caught up on the previous information.

Loud music flowed through the ground and out across the green land that Lockwood's house was built upon. Children, teenagers to be exact, were dancing on the hills, in front of the house, and nonetheless, inside. Big bright and colorful lights shined everywhere and it made the entire theme lively.

"Please, tell Niklaus that a man named, Mikael, is looking for him," he compelled a girl. She then wandered away in the direction of the house. "Follow her, I'm sure you two can walk in."

Amelia and Caroline embarked up the slight slope of the hill and were nearing the porch when the blonde asked, "Are you going to tell him that you were the one that put him to sleep?"

"No," she said. "So far, he thinks it was Klaus."

"What do you think you're doing here?" Tyler questioned, crossing his arms. He tried to keep his beading eyes off of Caroline and kept them viciously on Amelia. "You weren't invited."

"We've already been invited in," Amelia told him. "It grants us safe passage."

"And we can't get bitten," Caroline added, and the hybrid rolled his eyes.

"Wanna dance?" Stefan's voice rang in Amelia's ears. She turned to see the ripper accompanied by his king, Klaus, a genuine smile on his face.

"I'm glad you showed, I had a feeling you'd be drawn to my Northern Lights," Klaus said. He eyed Tyler to relax after being cocky about their presence. She assumed Klaus was originally indignant with her and Caroline but with their arrival, he had a sudden change of heart.

He was about to continue talking when the girl Mikael compelled gestured to speak. He leaned over so she could whisper in his ear and his eyes glistened with water as he stared at the two women.

"Thank you," he lastly said as the girl left. "You've brought death."

"Indeed I have," Amelia smirked.

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