Chapter 27

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"Elijah," Amelia muttered when he appeared on her doorstep. Although it wasn't her, she figured it was since she was staying in Camille's apartment. Since she couldn't welcome him in, she decided to step out and go on a walk with him.


"What do you want Elijah?"

"I think it's time for you to meet Hayley and Hope tonight at Klaus and Marcel's Unity Party. Every vampire, werewolf, hybrids, and a few witches will be there. I think we'd be honored to be in the presence of the strongest of all of us."

"I will kindly decline this request," she responded. "The last time I came between the two, I let out some concealed information. I would hate to drop more bombs."

He paused and halted in his steps, making Amelia stop and turn to look at him. "That was half of the truth, Amelia. I know you do not want to meet them; Hayley and Hope."

"I'd rather stay in the dark."

"Then why did you show up? Have you changed your mind and have decided to give the stake to him? Or have you come to beg for forgiveness and receive his love again?"

"You're a terrible person," she sighed.

"It's a masquerade ball," Elijah told her. "Everyone, including myself, will be covered. That way, you can stay in the shadows."

"Mmm." She then diverted in their path and blended in with the strangers on the street, wandering away.

Elijah slid his hand into his pocket and stood there, looking around. He then disappeared and spawned at the courtyard of the house to see people setting up the decorations. She then saw Hayley rushing down the stairs and Hope babbled from the balcony.

"Is she coming?" the newly-formed hybrid asked. Since had died with vampire blood in her system from Hope, she had become a creature like Klaus that were the parents of the only tribrid in the world.

"She's thinking about it," Elijah said.

"Amelia comes to parties," the incessant Tyler Lockwood spoke. He still had that jock personality from being the first-turned and fully living hybrid of Klaus's line and felt the need to be the pack's second leader. "Every one Caroline threw, she was there. I even know about all of the ones she crashed with Mikael."

"I can agree with that."

"That's great. She sounds like a good person, I'd like to meet her. Klaus never says anything about her and it's killing me. I've heard fragments of their history and I don't want to come between them."

"You already have," Tyler muttered, receiving a glare from the two of them. "I, personally, don't think she's a good person. She killed my uncle, couldn't save my dad, her and Elijah, killed the rest of my friends who tried to help me when I first turned, but that's fine. At least she let me be with Caroline; however, Klaus has me here."

"People have flaws Tyler," Hayley said. "But I am sorry about your family." Tyler pursed his lips at her condolences and shook his head. He turned around and went back to work of yelling orders to fix things exactly as his former girlfriend did in her high school years.

"Don't get your hopes up," Elijah said. "No one knows how she may greet you."

"Then I'll show kindness first."

"And she might tear you up."

"I'm a hybrid, I'll be fine."

"I did not mean physically," Elijah lastly said. He climbed the steps and went to carry his young niece who held onto his shoulder. He went into her nursery room and saw the two dresses Hayley had picked out for her: red or purple.

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