Chapter 4

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"Hi, my name is Stefan," the brown-haired man greeted.

"Ah, Stefan," Klaus hummed. "You can call me Klaus. This is my sister, Rebekah."

"It's nice to meet you, Rebekah," he said, kissing her gloved hand. He sat down and the waiter brought him a glass to drink.

Klaus looked around, the smoke from cigarettes clouding the air and the loud jazz music from the stage below, filling the bar. He turned his attention back to Stefan who was flirting with his sister, and noticed the large ring on his finger.

"So, Stefan," he began, leaning forward, "where did you get that marvelous jewelry?"

"This?" he questioned, lifting his hand. "It's an heirloom." Suddenly, his eyes went dark and the veins around his eyes pumped heavily as his K-9s grew in. All Klaus could do was laugh.

"How did you know it was safe to reveal yourself," Rebekah asked as she stroked his shoulder.

"I could smell the blood through the scent of wine and liquor," he stated. He waved down a woman who instantly came and sat down with them. Although she was smiling, her eyes were glass-like and hypnotized. Stefan shifted her into the middle of him and Rebekah and they began drinking her blood.

"You are disgusting for doing it in public," Klaus stated. "You're not even clean with it."

"That's not you," Rebekah pointed out. She licked her lips and inhaled. "Come on Nik, join us."

"I'm fine," he responded.

"What the hell are you doing to my wife?!" a man obnoxiously yelled.

Stefan pulled away from the woman and cleaned his mouth a handkerchief and smirked. The man threw a punch but the young vampire wasn't affected by the blow besides the man who yelped at the pain in his hand.

"Sit down," Stefan compelled the man. "I will drink your blood and you will like it." The man sat and Stefan punctured his teeth into his neck.

At this point, Klaus couldn't stand either of them. He looked away and his heart sank at the sight of the wandering beauty downstairs. Her black hair was curled so that it short and she was wearing a black beard piece that drooped down like rain beads. Her purple dress with its numerous layers fitted her body and her shoes matched. She was the most stunning flapper he'd ever seen.

"Klaus, are you sure you don't..." Stefan trailed off. He stared at the dirty-blonde who seem to be compelled by something over the ledge. Someone. He pushed the weak man's body off the booth's seat and stood at balcony to see the woman in purple at the bar. She seemed to be enjoying the music since she smiled once in a while.

"Her name is Amelia," Rebekah said. "Nik has been with a lot of women for the past 900 years but he hasn't gotten over her. She is the love of his life."

"Why don't they just get together?"

"Because she's been compelled through a sire bond," Rebekah explained which caused him to turn his head. "I know, it's rare."

"And I cannot break it unless the sire is killed," Klaus finally said after breaking out from his trance.

Klaus was now annoyed or tense, Stefan couldn't tell. He guessed he was agitated because he kept looking over his shoulder and fiddling around with his napkin. He was nervous that his love was there.

"Why don't you go talk to her?" Stefan asked. A smile grew on his face. "Drink some blood and get a little loose and talk to her... or I will." Klaus's eyes flickered with flames at him. He was about to flip the table or do something attention-drawing but he didn't, making Stefan laugh in his face.

"He never does anything," Rebekah said. "He doesn't want her to defy him or say something that would break his heart again."

Stefan shook his head in dissatisfaction. He released a sigh and turned to go down the stairs. He felt Klaus's eyes lingering on him as he went through the dancing floor just to reach the bar. He sat a space away from the woman who he couldn't deny was beautiful.

"Can I get a drink?" he said loudly to the bartender. "Bourbon!" The drink with a cube of ice was slid over the brown counter to him and he sipped it. "Wanna dance?"

She looked over at him and scoffed, rolling her eyes. However, she didn't deny his request but stood, ready to be taken onto the floor. Stefan grabbed her hand and took her. The upright bass and guitar started strumming along with with percussion and trumpets, spreading the tempo of the dancers.

He spun her around, making her dress fly then twist around her body. When they separated, he watched as she kicked her legs behind her and then he did a quick move before they went in and motioned their entwined hands up and down.

Stefan could see Klaus start to come downstairs, a smug expression on his face. He was getting ready to release her when he came close enough so they'd be forced to dance. Right when he spun her out, the front door blew and guns started firing, wooden bullets.

He saw Klaus vamp away and he rushed to find Rebekah. She got out from the booth, crying out for her brother, and Stefan tried to catch her but she was too fast. When she was gone, he saw that she left a necklace at the table and took it, in hope of seeing her again.

Stefan looked over the balcony to see people running in different directions but the only person who was calm was Amelia who returned to the bar. She must've known about the attack. He saw her turn her head and wave, a sign for him to leave before the real terrorist arrived and he vamped away.

"Niklaus!" Mikael came yelling in. "Niklaus!"

"He's gone," Amelia told him. "You scared him away. Some friend of his was trying to put us together but you had to blow up the entire place. I was so close."

"He might be around," he stated. "What about the friend?"

"Don't mind him, he didn't know who and what Klaus was. He just saw him as a posh vampire."

"Let's go. He might track his way back to New Orleans."

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