Chapter 32

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"What happened to you?" Freya asked.

"Kol through a blood bag at me," Amelia explained. "Is it okay if I take a bath?"

"Of course."

Amelia climbed the stairs and went to the bathroom to draw herself some hot water. She locked the doors, mainly paranoid that someone was going to walk in, especially her ex-whatever that had found her in New Orleans.

As the water filled, she stripped her clothes and sank in, washing the fake blood off of her pale skin. She leaned her head against that cushion and closed her eyes. For a two hundred year old vampire, she felt too old to be doing ecstatic things and just wanted to be left alone. Maybe one day, she would desiccate herself in Marcel's garden and wake up in the future.

With her eyes closed, she didn't know when she fell asleep and dreamed about her old life when she was still alive. In her dream, she felt a strong grip grab her real body and submerge her into the water. She opened her eyes and thrashed around, gurgling that she couldn't breathe. She looked at her attacker to see the vibrant red hair hanging on the other side of the liquid barrier.

Amelia quickly reacted and curled her hand into a fist to punch the side of the tub. The material shattered and the water splashed everywhere as she road the wave onto the wet floors, coughing. Freya had barged in with her magic, unlocking the doors, and sprinted over to the naked vampires.

"Someone tried to drown me," she gasped, looking at the window they had escaped through. "A vampire tried to kill me."

"Tell me, what did they look like?" Klaus asked later in the day.

"They had red hair. But I couldn't see through the water," Amelia explained and Rebekah let out a laugh.

"It's definitely Aurora," the blonde stated. "Who else has red hair and is keen to kill anyone who comes in her and Klaus's way?"

"Who's Aurora?"

"The first vampire I turned, and Nik's old flame."

"Aurora de Martel," Klaus said. "She's crazy."

"I remember you told her that you two would live for an eternity together," Elijah said. "We all know that was a lie."

"At the moment, it wasn't. Now, I realize that was a mistake."

"Since we're talking about exes," Amelia began, taking a deep breath, "Katerina Petrova is in town."

"Seriously?" Klaus scoffed. "And you didn't think to tell anyone?"

"Stefan Salvatore gave me a call that she arrived in Mystic Falls to know my whereabouts."

"Ah, yes. Two psychopaths running around New Orleans to get back at us for breaking their hearts," Klaus expressed.

"That sounds exactly like you." She received a glare from him. "I'll deal with Katerina, she's tolerable."

"If you were coming to see me, I would be delighted," the condescending voice spoke. Katherine's heels clacked on the floor as she cat-walked into the courtyard along with the red-haired woman.

"Speak of the Devils," Rebekah muttered.

"You must be-"

"Aurora de Martel," she cut off Amelia who scoffed and frowned.

"I'm sure your brother Tristan is around," Elijah spoke.

"Well he isn't, he's too busy with The Strix."

"What's that?" Amelia questioned.

"Elijah's cult of first-turned vampires from Originals," Klaus explained. "He made them sociopaths and was kicked out."

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