Chapter 16

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"What happened?" Klaus asked. "Is that it?"

Damon approached Amelia's limp body still tied to the chair and slowly unraveled her. When she fell into his arm, he heard Klaus's shriek echo throughout the walls.

"You wicked witch!" he yelled, tears running down his cheeks. "You killed her!"

"Caroline's fine," Elena cried. "Maybe-maybe... Bonnie?!"

"I don't know!" Bonnie exclaimed. "That's what she said for me to do! So I didn't kill her, Esther did."

"Please, try something. You've brought back Jeremy so try it," Klaus told her. "Do something."

Damon had already begun laying her body down, relaxing her hair and resting her arms across her chest. Even he had a tear fill in his eyes and he made sure they didn't escape his lids.

Bonnie crouched next to him and placed a hand on her chest, saying incantations: "Phesmatos tribum.... It's not working."

"Try harder!" he yelled. "Let me in and you can draw your power from me."

"Elena," Bonnie dragged. "I can do it myself."

"I'm sorry, Bonnie, but you can't," Elena said. She looked at Damon, then at the inhumanity Stefan. "Klaus, you may come in."

The hybrid immediately broke through the barrier and rushed to Bonnie and held her hand. With uttermost concentration, he forced every power to her so that she could be strong enough to resurrect a thousand year old vampire. Before she finish her words, something stung in their hands and tore their connection apart.

"The witches on the other side don't want me to play with this kind of magic anymore," Bonnie said, panting, after desperately trying to help. "They don't want me abetting with you either."

"You mean Esther," he murmured. He fell on his knees and pulled his love into his arms. More tears fell from his eyes and he cradled her, rocking back and forth. A hurtful cry escaped his lips and the others in the room watched him mourn.

He then saw their stares and flashed his amber eyes at them, causing Damon to pull Elena, Bonnie, and Jeremy away in case he lashed out. However, he never did. The beads of tears on his cheeks turned into ice crystals and he slowly blinked, his werewolf-colored eyes going away. His pupils dilated as his heart shrunk with it. The only person who had kept his heart beating was gone and his love for her and the things she loved were going to be buried with her.

When he blinked again, his demeanor changed and he switched into Stefan's blank and inhuman expressions. Klaus wasn't a ripper like him, but a relentless maniac on steroids with his humanity and he didn't know who he'd be without them.

Klaus stood, Amelia's body thumping onto the ground. He stared at it and then stepped over it. He drew the white oak stake and drove it through Mikael's heart. He twisted it, hearing his heart squish and the stake burst into flames. The light illuminated the dim room and his entire body went into flames, withering into ashes.

"Stefan, grab Elena, we're leaving in the morning," he ordered and Stefan moved to his command. Tyler joined him after not being commanded and Klaus left the house. Without a car or vamping, he strolled down in the center of the street.

The moon was out and it's beams rained on him like a spotlight; the streetlights were brighter. He walked so far that he was near the entrance of Mystic Falls and even passed the sign. He then laid down on the cold pavement right on the yellow serrated line.

He closed his eyes, feeling numb to any emotions. He hoped that he'd go crazy but he was calm. Careless people were usually destructive but he didn't care about anything.

He felt the road quake as a car approached, their headlights beaming, and the vehicle stopped in front of him. The driver, a man who was accompanied by a woman, stepped out, and rushed over.

"Are you okay?" the man asked.

Klaus slowly rose to his feet. "Is that your girlfriend?"

"No, it's my wife," he said. "D-do you need any help?"

"I want to make you feel my pain." Klaus vamped to the passenger seat, hearing the woman shriek and he tore open the door. He clawed the seatbelt apart, slightly scratching her, and he felt the man trying to pull him off. Klaus shoved the man away and he tumbled into the grass next to the road, and he proceeded to grab his wife.

He pulled her to her feet and her legs dangled as she was placed against the car. Barring his white teeth, he slid her brunette hair to the side and dug his K-9's into her neck. She shrieked, and he enjoyed her terrified voice and loved the way she thrashed against his hold. He continued to drink until she fell limp with a little bit of blood left in her veins.

Klaus turned to the man who was groaning and lifted him by the collar and fed him his blood. He then used the glass from the broken window and shoved it through his chest. The man collapsed and Klaus waited patiently until he resurrected and forced him to finish drying up his wife.

"You're a vampire now," the hybrid spoke, compelling him. "And you will like an eternity knowing that you killed the love of your life." Klaus gave him a little shove and left him alone to deal with her corpse and do something with the car.

He began walking away and had a second heart of destruction and he realized he was committing a careless act. He floated back to the car and saw the new vampire, dragging his wife into a ditch. He slowly approached him from behind and tore his heart out. The heart beat in his hand and he squeezed it as his body dropped.

"Never mind," he sang. He dropped the heart, knowing the police would find it and that was the entire point as he headed back into town.


"Where the hell is Klaus?!" Caroline asked Tyler.

"I don't know. He just left."

"Left?!" she exclaimed. "That doesn't sound like him. Why would he leave Amelia like this?" She stroked her black hair and her eyes glistened with water as she stared at her gray corpse.

"He turned his humanity off," Stefan spoke. "We all watched it happen."

"His humanity is off?" she questioned in disbelief. "That's so bad, right now. Where's Elijah, or-or Rebekah to turn it on?"

"Daggered inside of caskets."

"So wake them up!"

"We don't know where they are," Tyler said.

"Besides, he turned it off because of her. What makes you think they'd be able to help him? He puts them to sleep at the slightest inconvenience. No matter how mad she makes him, he's never attacked," Stefan explained.

"Fine, since his dogs can't do anything, I will," Caroline stated.

"You know that's dangerous."

"That's exactly why I'm going," she said, leaving the Salvatore house. She began roaming around, believing that was something he'd do. A sudden thought rushed into her mind and she went to Amelia's apartment, hoping he'd be there.

"Hello, Caroline," Klaus's accented voice rang in her ears. She pivoted, seeing him waltz down the street.

"I knew I'd find you here," she stated. She carefully chose her words. "What are you going to do: smell her clothes?"

He dryly chuckled and approached her. She stayed still as he stared her blankly. "Did you do anything?"

"What do you mean?"

"How come you're alive and she isn't? Hmm? Did Bonnie preserve your life as she did with Elena?"

"No!" she exclaimed. "We were both in it to be relieved of Mikael, especially her who's been dealing with it for a thousand years. Maybe, Esther decided to free her from this hellhole."

"And punish me."

"For the first time, Klaus, stop thinking about yourself," she stated. "God! you're so paranoid."

"Of course I am!" he shouted back. "Amelia is dead!"

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