Chapter 8

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"Since Amelia has a bigger history with Katherine than we do, why can't she just talk to her before killing her?" Damon suggested.

"If I knew where she was then yes," Amelia said. "She's probably trying to get on good terms with Klaus after he tried to use her for the ritual but she turned making her useless."

"That's why she kidnapped Elena and killed Caroline," Stefan said. "Now, she only needs a werewolf."

Amelia accidentally kicked the back of Stefan's seat as she shifted in the back seat of Damon's old car. He was driving with one hand and drinking blood with the other and he passed the bag to Stefan to gain fuel in case they needed to fight Katherine.

"What if we encounter someone else?" she asked pessimistically.

"That's where you come in. If you've been telling us the truth then shouldn't the vampire society know how big and bad you are?" Damon interjected. "You're ancient so you're stronger and you beat our weapons."

"You should probably drink some," Stefan said. He was about to pass a blood bag and remembered that wasn't her favorite and he offered his wrist. She kindly denied since she didn't need blood everyday to sustain herself. She had once went two weeks without blood and had the strength of a vampire a third of her age.

Damon pulled the car up to an old, dingy mansion that had vines growing on the walls. Bonnie had come through with her locator spell since they arrived at a place a kidnapper would take their victim.

The brothers exited the car and with their weapons, they vamped to the back and she listened as they broke into a window. She could sense two other people and Elena herself as she ran around the halls while the Salvatores attacked.

Amelia noticed another car, a silver Mercedes that resembled hers, drive in. The man who stepped out was tall, handsome from the back of his head, and he wore a magnificent suit. Her mouth hung when she realized who it was and quickly got out of the car, knowing the boys were in trouble.

She went through their secret entrance and found her way to the down a set of stairs. The house was quiet as the new -comer and the kidnappers spoke and Elena said a few words too. When the floor creaked, it caught all of their attention and Amelia knew it wasn't from her.

"Show yourself!" the suited man called. "Come out!"

Amelia took the honors and stood at the top of the stairwell and stared at him. "Hello, Elijah."

"Amelia," he uttered. He broke a smile and shook his head. A vampire came speeding towards him and he swung his arm which decapitated his head and it rolled. She didn't recognize the face and the woman who she assumed was his accomplice, cried out and Damon took her away. "Who are you working with?"

"What game are you playing?" she questioned. "Where's the almighty Niklaus? The treacherous bastard of a creature you call 'brother.'" She let out a laugh and began descending the steps.

"Then where is your sire? Mm, Amelia. Where is Mikael? Last I heard, he was locked up, desiccated, because you put him there."

"Why don't you two save the chit-chat for another time, huh?" Damon questioned. He threw a vervain bomb at Elijah that exploded in his face and he screamed, giving Damon a chance to drag Amelia away but she didn't want to leave.

Stefan had collected Elena and gotten her to safety along with other woman and Amelia went back in to the Original. She was born to kill, especially big and bad vampires. She didn't have the special stake but it was significant to be able to put him down even if it was for the slightest moment.

She pressed him against the wall, choking him and digging her nails into his neck. He got a hold of her and flipped her over so that had the leverage. Wooden bullets punctured his back but that didn't slow him down. Amelia pushed him back so she could catch a breath before going in but he back-kicked her across the foyer and twirled in the air. She scratched the surface of the wooden floors to stop her from sliding and she used her steady position to sprint and push Elijah through the wall.

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