S1 Ch.6 Rouge Exorcist

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A/n: Here's the sixth chapter enjoy.

Several hours before Rias, Y/n and Koneko left to train Issei was sitting in the club room depressed about not getting a pact.

Issei: Man I totally suck I can't even get a pact.

Issei: I really wish I didn't make Buchou so upset with my mistakes and do a good job and get pacts.

Akeno: Silly Issei Rias isn't angry at you but is just worried about you and looking out for your safety.

Y/n: Yeah and if you want I can train you to the point where you can use magical circles if you want?

Issei: Waaaaaaah! When did you get here?!

Rias: Oh you guys are still here?

Akeno: We received a message from the Arch Duke.

Y/n: The Arch Duke?

Akeno: It's serious it's a stray devil.

Rias: Akeno gather the others we're going to show Issei and Y/n the ropes.

Time Skip
Abandoned Warehouse
3rd Pov

After gathering everyone Rias and her peerage teleported to the abandoned warehouse where the stray devil is. Y/n got their with his flying raijin jutsu immediately after.

Rias: Are either of you familiar with the game of chess?

Issei: I am but I totally suck at it.

Y/n: I've played a shouki before with my friend Shikamaru a couple times.

Rias: That's good now pay close attention so I can explain things.

Time Skip
After fight
Issei's Pov
(A/n: Decided to skip this part since we've all seen it by now and I find it pretty boring so yeah enjoy seeing Issei get shot.)

After being told that I was just a stupid pawn I make my way to my new client while carrying one of Y/n's kunai. Eventually I got there and knocked on the door.

Issei: Hello did you ask for a devil of the house of Gremory?

Issei: Huh the door's unlocked. I'm coming in now so please don't freak out.

Flash Back
3rd Pov

Rias: Koneko is overloaded with summoning requests can you take one for her?

Issei: Sure.

Rias: Make sure to get a pact this time so please don't disappoint me.

Issei: Hai Buchou.


I stepped inside the client's house trying to see if they were home. When I got a couple feet inside I stepped on something wet and when I took a look at it I found it was blood.

Issei: Is this blood?

???: Punish the wicked. Wise words from a holy man.

???: You just walked into the wrong house friend. Freed Selzin at your service.

Freed: *dancing* And I'm guessing you're the devil pussy this exorcist is going to exercise.

Issei: A priest?

Freed: Yep, and I work for a certain devil purging organization that you might have heard of.

Issei: So you're the one who did this to him, huh?!

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