Chapter 51- Dignity and Privacy

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December 31st, 2015:

I get back to my dorm and flop on my bed, the cuddly toys fan had given me surrounding my head. I sigh and turn my head to the wall. That was when I saw it. I look toward the horse stuffy the fan that had said I was her ultimate bias had given me. I carefully pick it up and look at its head carefully. I then bring its left eye closer to my own. My initial thought had been right, there was what looked like a small camera installed in its black plastic eye.

I panicked, throwing the stuffy as far as possible. It hit the apartment door. Was it filming all the time? How much had it seen? I changed here, I slept with it on the bed. Could it listen as well? I had had what I thought were private conversations with family and friends, most worryingly Timothée.

I grab a garbage bag and stuff the cuddly toy into it so it wouldn't be able to see anything anymore. I then grab my phone and call Yoona. She picked up on the third ring.

"Yoona-unnie, Yoona-unnie," I say panicked.

"Y/N? What is it? What's wrong?" she answered, getting worried about how scared I seemed.

"They're filming me," I try to explain, running my hand through my hair in distress, "they've been filming me!"

"Who? Who's filming you?" she tries to say calmly so it would rub off on me.

"I don't know, the fan I guess," I reply, "it's in the eye. It's in the horses' eye!"

"What horse? Y/N, I'm going to need you to calm down and explain this to me clearly," Yoona instructs.

"The horse stuffy a fan gave me at a fan sign recently, it has a camera in its eye. I just realised it," I say in almost one breath.

Yoona doesn't answer right away, as if she too was shocked something like this was happening.

"Ok, have you put it into a bag or something?" she asks.

"Yes, it's in a garbage bag," I sigh, sitting on my bed.

"Stay there, I'll come over," she says, "and don't panic. We will make sure this gets resolved".

"How? What if they've already shared some of the video? I change, I've been naked in front of that stupid horse!" I start panicking again.

"We would have heard something if they did," Yoona counters, "just sit down and drink some water... or tea. I'll be there as soon as possible".

"Okay..." I answer, still not convinced I should be relaxed about this.

I didn't know what to do with myself now. I started passing, my hair getting messier and messier every time I ran my hand through it. 40 minutes later, Yoona was knocking on the door.

I opened the door and Yoona and Sejin were standing there.

"Where's the stuffy?" Sejin asks authoritatively.

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