Chapter 6- Fruit Tart

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February 20th, 2015:

Jungkook had given me similar words of support as Yoongi, and we finished going over the Outro. I had to repeat the same process with the members about explaining my bandaged hand, and then terrifyingly with Yoona and Sejin. I could see both the managers' hearts breaking which in turn crushed mine some more. Sejin had scheduled a private therapist meeting for me by the time Yoona drove me home. It was honestly a little overwhelming at how supportive people were being. I kind of expected people to be angry and disappointed for not telling them. But it seemed like Yoongi was right, yet again. Friends were there to support and protect me, not judge or hurt me. I still didn't want to reveal the cut on my thigh. The hand could just seem like a fit of anger punching the mirror (I had explained how it had happened), but the thigh cut made it deliberate and much worse. At this point, it was a little embarrassing for me. I was stupid enough to feel alone and desperate when I was surrounded by loving people. I didn't really want to point that out more than I needed.

Yoona had dropped me off at my dorm and taken any sharp object from the apartment, even knives, and only left 2 ibuprofens. I could tell Yoona was trying to be calm and collected and not burst out crying pleading with me why I did it. I was disappointed and mad at myself for making her like this.

"So, I'll come pick you up tomorrow and we can go for coffee? I haven't updated you on world news recently," she smiles, "you can just chill tomorrow, okay?"

"I can work it's ok," I smile back, "knowing you guys support me, I'm already a whole lot better".

"No, no. I'll be here tomorrow morning. 8:30 good? Meet at the corner of the street?" she questions.

"Yeah, it's fine," I give in.

Yoona leaves and I eat the dumplings she had bought me. I change into my comfy shorts and a t-shirt I couldn't remember who it had belonged to. I change my leg bandage and then go to my little desk and start on my history paper. About three hours later, someone knocks on my door. I check the time and see it's nearly 11. I get up and check the peephole and I'm surprised by who I see. Jungkook was standing there with what looked like a pastry box.

I unlatch the chain lock and unlock the door.

"Jungkook? What are doing here? Shouldn't you be with your parents?" I question.

"I was, but I asked that they drop me off here. I thought you might like the company..." he answers hesitantly.

"I... uh... yeah," I say, still a little surprised he was here, "come in".

I open the door wider and step inside given there wasn't enough room for me to just move aside so he could come in.

"I swear this place gets smaller and smaller every time I come," Jungkook chuckle.

"Yeah, it's definitely made for barely one person," I laugh.

"I don't know if you're hungry, but my parents bought pastries," he says, opening the small brown box in his hand, "I got your favourite".

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