Chapter 40- The Best of Us

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! Disclaimer -> death !

Author's Note at the End :)

Underlined + Italicized = French

Underlined = English

Sunday, November 8th, 2015:

I quickly call my dad, thinking there were more chances he was awake given it was midnight here. I notice the other members in the van sleeping and turn towards the window, looking out at the rain that had continued to fall all evening, to at least show I didn't want to wake them up with my talking.

"Hello, Papa?" I ask when he picks up, "you called?"

"Y/N, thanks for calling back. I know you must be tired," my dad says, sounding tired himself.

I don't say anything, waiting for him to get on with it.

"I think you should try to book yourself a ticket to Jeju as soon as possible," he says in a sad voice, "grandma's health took a turn for the worse and the doctors don't think she has long left".

It takes me a minute to process what he just said.

"Wait... What?" I mutter in disbelief.

"I know this must be hard for you right now," my dad says in a sympathising tone, "but if you can get a ticket tonight, I think that would be best. You should call your grandfather and let him know you're coming".

"I... yeah... I will," I say, still trying to understand that my grandmother was dying.

"I'll hang up now so you can call him," my dad says, "I love you Y/N. I'm here for you".

"I love you too," I say absentmindedly, "I'll keep you informed".

I hang up and let my hand and phone drop in my lap. I look out at the rain, my own eyes mirroring it.

"Everything okay Y/N?" Yoona asked, turning around from the passenger seat concerned.

"Can you get me a plane ticket to Jeju for tonight... or early this morning I guess," I mutter, going into robot mode almost, "I need to go see my grandma... apparently, she doesn't have long".

Yoona's eyes go wide.

"Yes, of course," she nods, taking her phone out right away to start looking at flights.

Hoseok, who was sitting next to me, had woken up and had a similar look of concern on his face.

"You're leaving today?" he asks.

"Yeah, that's what my dad says I should do," I reply, going to call my grandfather, "I'm just gonna call my grandfather to let him know".

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