Chapter 3- Don't Mess Up

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January 15th, 2015:

I'm woken up by someone shaking me profusely.

"Y/N... Y/N! Y/!" the person yells.

I slowly open my eyes and realise I had slipped down from the wall and was now awkwardly lying down on the bathroom floor.

"What the hell are you doing sleeping on the bathroom floor?" Yoona asks almost yelling, "I got so scared... you're so cold... don't do that again!".

"Sorry," I mutter getting myself up.

I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror and see lines on my cheek and arm that had been pressed against the floor. I look at my leg and see the same markings.

"You're late," she says, "we have to leave in 10".

I groan. I hadn't set an alarm on my phone.

"I'll get ready asap," I answer.

I shower and do my skincare as quickly as I'd ever done it. I get to the hotel lobby 20 minutes later.

"Where were you?" Seokjin asks.

"Sorry, I forgot to set an alarm," I reply.

"Ok, let's get going, we're already late," Sejin instructs.

We get to the van, and I'm forced to get in the van with Jimin and Taehyung. They both throw glances my way, but don't start any conversations. I make a point not to look at them and put my earbuds in. A part of me couldn't help but be embarrassed. How much about my sex life had Jongin told them? Even if they were my best friends, it was still awkward.


We get to the venue and Jimin is given a camera to film BTS. For the first time in a while, I had been given my own tiny changing room. I heard them talking and laughing, but decided to just stay in my room, not really in the mood to fake a smile. However, a few minutes later Hoseok was walking into my room with a camera in hand.

"Here is our angel Y/N!" he says happily pointing the camera in my face.

I chuckle at Hoseok's excitement.

"I've come to keep you company," he says smiling.

"Oh, thank you," I smile back looking at the camera, "it can get a bit lonely here".

"What do you usually do when you're alone?" he asks.

"Uh, I usually just scroll through my phone and stuff. Sometimes read a book," I answer.

"Do you take pictures? I know fans want more content from you," Hoseok winks at me.

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